Chapter Three

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"Where were you?"

I looked over to Garrett who wore only his pajama pants. His hair was messy and he had a small hickey on his neck. Staring deadly into his eyes, I put on the best fake smile I could. My heart was beating rapidly being so close to him, that it made me ache for him to hurt me. I couldn't give in. I didn't want to give in. I wanted for him to apologize. He wouldn't. He's the "big and bad alpha".

"With Sam, dear mate," I winked and shoved past him, pulling my hair into a pony tail.

My body was aching from the training I had done, but it was nothing compared to what I usually dealt with back at home. The only thing I wished for right about now was a friend to talk to. Someone that was a female, so I could gossip about boys with.

"Don't let him hurt us, Star..." my wolf whimpered. I wouldn't let him hurt us anymore. He was nothing to me. Not anymore.

I felt someone grab my arms, sparks shooting through me. Jerking away, I looked into the love-filled eyes of my mate. His face was priceless. He looked mixed between an abandoned kid who found parents and a kid who loved his puppy. Ha. Puppy. Sighing deeply, I moved back but he followed. It went on like that. A game almost. Until I was pinned to the wall.

"Star, I'm sorry..." he murmured, pulling me into his arms. The sparks intensified and I wanted to do nothing more than kiss him until I went weak. Someone cleared their throat and I moved out of Garrett's grip, smiling thankfully to Sam.

"Ah, the young soon to be alpha. You know, we've never really talked." Sam told him, pulling me to him. I accepted him and basked in the warmth that spread throughout my body. There was tension between Sam and Garrett, but it only brought a smile to my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a dark figure, and I turned my head, seeing dark hair before he shifted into a wolf, and then gave me a grin, eyes boring into mine. Once I began to get out of Sam's arms to follow, the wolf ran off, leaving me quiet and curious.

"No. We haven't." Garrett forced out. I smirked a bit and looked up at Sam, putting on my best lovey-dovey face.

"Ready for bed?" I asked, placing my hand on his chest. I could feel the rage rolling off of Garrett but he wasn't my alpha just yet. Especially since I'm by Sam.

The sun was setting more and more each minute, and I looked out at the orange and pink sky, biting in my lip at its beauty. There was something about sunsets that I loved. Whether it was the innocent form, or the delicate feeling it gave off, I couldn't be sure.

"I'm exhausted. You took a lot more out of me than I thought." He said softly, staring into my eyes. My smirk grew at Garrett's growl.

"Well let's go. Bye, Garrett." I winked and took Sam's hand, walking to our, "bedroom." When we had walked through the doorway and the door was shut, we began to burst out laughing.

"I think we got him pretty good," Sam gasped out, clutching his stomach as he shook with laugher. I grinned brightly at him and nodded, huffing out the laughter in me. There was a punch coming from outside and with my oh-so-amazing hearing, I could easily tell it was Garrett.

"Seems Mr. Mate is mad," I chirped out, walking over towards my closet to find some night clothes.

"Yeah and I think he's going to patrol the door to make sure we don't do anything," he replied, shrugging.

I stopped myself from grabbing my clothes and looked at him. "So you have to stay with me?"

"Afraid so, princess. And you're sleeping on the floor."

"Oh, no I'm not." I growled softly and threw what was in my hand, my face growing red as I saw it was a pair of my black silk panties. "Tell no one of this," I hissed and took it as he began inspecting it.

"Hey you'll look cute in 'em!"

"You sir, are a perv."


Sam and I were still fighting over the sleeping arrangements except we were yelling and punching each other. I was biting his leg, he was pulling my toes, and all we could hear was our yelling. He was angering me, making my wolf want to surface as he nearly used to his alpha tone on me once or twice. Grabbing onto his leg, I sunk my teeth into the soft flesh, hearing him whine in pain before bending one of my toes back dangerously far.

"Its my room; my bed!" I yelled, punching the spot I bit after wincing.

He growled out and pulled my toe, making me yelp in pain again. Same toe. "My house; my rules!"

"Be. A. Gentleman. And. Let. Me. Sleep. On. My. Bed!" Each word was stopped by a gasp of pain as he jabbed my side rightly with his thumb, but I was also having issues as I punched his knee.

I squealed as he threw me over his shoulder. He was shirtless, I had already ripped it when I jerked him off the bed. My pajama pants were ripped from him well...doing it on purpose. Though I felt awkward being in only a shirt and a pair of panties, it didn't stop me from fighting an alpha for my territory.

"You know what, Star? We will both sleep on the bed!"

I growled and bit him, my teeth sinking into his skin. He yelped in pain and threw me onto the bed, glaring my way. The amusement written in his eyes made me smile gently but also in victory. He was giving up. I could tell. "You're not sleeping on my bed, Sam."

"Fine! I'm done arguing!" He glared my way and walked a way from the bed. I was afraid he'd leave me.

With a huff, he flipped off the light and laid in the floor on his side without a cover. I felt bad; kicking the Wolf King out of my bed and making him sleep on the floor but hey, it was my bed.


"Hey, Sam?" No reply. "Sam!" Still nothing. "Dangit. Get in the bed." I shivered, jerking the covers over me tightly. I felt the bed dip and someone sleepily mumble something about how it's too cold for this. No sparks, meaning it wasn't Garrett. Sam's arm wrapped around me and he pressed his face into my back, making me grin.

So, Mr. King was a cuddler? I saw someone outside my window and I frowned, squinting to see more.

Little flashes indicated a photographer and I growled so deadly, it would have made the dead become reborn. Using my werewolf vision, I could see his face. Almost.

Shaggy hair, scars, and a large camera in his hands. He looked like the man I saw earlier who shifted, but who was he, and why was he here?

"Be a good little wolfy and sleep." He said low enough for only me to hear. And strangely, I obeyed.


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