Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys! So I'll be ending this book soon. This is the last chapter, and then next will be the epilogue. You'll learn who Alexander is, you will understand more of Sam's past, why Massie isn't his biological sister, what happened to his parents. Then for Garrett, well, just wait <3

SO this has been dedicated to my dear friend again c: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read her book Luivian. It's amazing.

Also, if you guys love this chapter, please comment and vote and fan. It'll make my day ^~^

Well lovelies. Onto the feels <3333

Also, pleeeeeease go back and vote on the chapters if you haven't already. It'll mean so much to me

Sam's POV

The hospital was cold, the scents of death were evident in the air. I was told to wait outside, while the nurses tended to Star. I was told to wait while they dislodged the arrow from her heart. I was told to wait as they examined Drake's body. But they wouldn't understand why I murdered him ruthlessly. They just wouldn't understand...

Standing, I looked into the worried eyes of Garrett, before looking away. I had ruined him. His true mate would be dying because of me. Because I selfishly pushed her away. She could be living. Breathing. Kissing. She could have a family of her own, with me, or with Garrett. She could raise her children up and watch them find mates, and so on. She would grow old, and then, after years, pass away in her bed. Happy. And loved.

Ben stood, getting ready to stop me, but I brushed him off, my heart aching as I watched Cat take his hand, and pull him down to his seat, telling me I just needed time. Time.....

I needed Star.

I needed her hugs, and her kisses. I needed to run my fingers through her hair, looking into the green orbs of her eyes, and tell her I love her. I love her.....

The doors, when opened, let the crisp air in, and I shivered. My jacket was back in the waiting room, settled over the arm where the wood had engraved marks from me digging my nails in to not cry.

I walked, letting the only sound of my feet crushing the leaves be my company. I had known the black haired spitfire for nearly two months, and already, she had won my heart. However, she has been in a coma for a nearly a month now. Would she still love me when she woke? Would she still feel the same about me as she did all those nights as we lay in bed, cuddling? Would she still blush as I whispered in her ear how beautiful she was? Would she...?

Shaking my head, I could feel the tears begin to threaten to spill, and I let my fist fly into a nearby wall, the stinging sensation of the wound stopping me.

A woman walked out of the building, holding the hand of a little blond boy who was sniffling and coughing, eyes blood shot. She looked worried, and I could feel my compelling nature to help dominate.

"Miss!" I yelled and ran, rubbing my hand as it began to bleed.

She turned, and I stopped. Green Star's..... "Oh, Alpha!" She chirped, voice nearly sounding scared. Was I a scary sight to her? "Forgive my rudeness, but is there something I may help with?"

"Your child. Is he sick?" I asked, slipping off my sweater. He looked up at me, cheeks rosy. I pulled my sweater over him, and bundled him up, hoping it helped keep him warm. I looked down, noticing his feet were bare, and then glanced at her. Feet were bare, also. They were homeless.

"Y-yes.... But I don't have the money to pay for his hospital fees.... I can barely afford food...."

She slapped her hand over her mouth, almost shocked she had said it, but I smiled a bit, taking off my shoes and socks. "Here, wear my shoes. I will wrap his feet up with the socks. Go to the hospital and tell the nurse I sent you. You and your son will be under my care from now on..." My voice cracked and I cleared my throat.

She smiled, so bright, it hurt. "Oh, thank you!" She whispered, and pulled the boy in her arms, before running to the hospital.

I stood frozen, heart beating painfully as I replayed her eyes over and over in my mind. Eyes that looked so gentle, so childlike. Full of inspiration, and admiration. Full of promise and hope, love, even.

I began to walk again, shirtless, and feet bare. My castle was far from here, but I didn't want to go anyway. I couldn't leave Star.

"Ah, Sammy boy!"

I turned my head to the left, looking at the dark eyes of the man before me. He was grinning, shaggy hair falling over his eyes. The scar on his face was prominent, but there were new scars now. Claw marks from myself.

"Alexander." I replied emotionlessly, seeing his pack fall in behind him. I was alone, but it wouldn't be hard to contact Ben. Would I need them?

"How are you doing on this oh so chilly night? Can't be good, seeing as you're shirtless, and wearing no shoes. Did you go out for a run?"

I shrugged and turned around, walking back to hospital. I didn't want it continue to wait, but maybe I could stop by the gift shop. Buy Star flowers. Go in, hopefully, and talk to her. Tell her I love her. And kiss the wound on her chest in hopes that it touches her heart.

"Come now. I know what happened. You lost that girl of yours. Star?"

I growled and turned to face him, eyes darkening as my hands clenched. Blood dripped onto the fallen leaves from my earlier wound, and the heat that radiated from my body began to steam from the cold in the air.

"Don't talk about her!" I yelled, growling dangerous. He took a step back.

I could tell he was scared, so I stepped forward, my body stronger than his frail, sickly looking one. He knew there would be no hope right now, so he held his hands up in surrender, and his pack ran.

"I came to talk Sam. Please."

"Leave!" I bellowed and growled, attacking him to the ground where his body popped underneath mine. I landed a bunch in his left jaw, hearing it pop. Alexander groaned, but I landed another blow to his chest, then his stomach, before stopping.

He turned to his side and puked up blood, eyes so weak, so scared....

"Please listen, Sam... It will save her life..."

Biting my lip, my heart shattered. I'd give anything to keep Star alive, but I would never consult with him. Or anyone like him.

"Five minutes. Explain. Call off your men, now."

He nodded, and the howls of his pack sounded, signaling their departure.

"There's a way to save her." He started and stood, holding his chest after rubbing his jaw.

"What's that." I replied smoothly, eyes dark as I stared at him.

"Well it involves Garrett. He is her true mate and all. I read in the books of the elders, the ones I had...come across. It held a lot of valuable information, some of which I've used in my own time."

I nodded, signaling for him to continue as I shifted my feet. They stung from the cold.

Alexander took a shaky breath, coughing up some blood and whatever else laid in his chest.

"She has to mate with Garrett. Only then will she survive, but she and he will be joined together at last, and together forever, Sam."

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