Chapter Nine

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What did I just do? I asked myself as soon as Garrett had left. I just told the one person I despised that I would go to someone's funeral with them. Was I feeling alright? Had they given me something? I ran a hand through my hair then rubbed my eyes slowly, feeling the burning sensation as I realized just what was going on.

I would be going with Garrett Perry to Sam's funeral.


Without thinking too much about it anymore, I heaved a deep sigh and stripped off my tee shirt and shorts, looking around my room. I knew we were supposed to be at Sam's, but why were we back home? There was no need for going at least 17 hours back and forth....

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the warm water, waiting for it to get hotter before I stripped the rest of my clothing and stepped in, a sigh of contentment slipping past my lips as the hot water beat down on my back. The knots in my hair worked their way out as I washed my hair with my shampoo, keeping my eyes closed.

I let myself imagine Sam the way he was before he passed, his raven hair and forest coloured eyes. My heart ached and I had to put my hands on the walls to stop myself from falling as I cried. It was getting too much; all I wanted was Sam, and he wasn't here.

When someone knocked on the bathroom door, I tried to keep quiet as I sniffled and stood, closing my eyes. "Who is it?" I called out, washing the shampoo out of my hair.

"The funeral starts at three," Garrett's voice called out and then the door opened, my heart stopping.

"What time is it?" I managed out quietly, seeing his figure pass by the curtains and sit on the toilet a little away from the shower.

"One thirty."


When an uncomfortable silence passed through us, I popped my head out and looked at him. "Can you hand me a wash rag?"

His body stood gracefully and opened up the shelves by my head, not once looking at me, but instead averted his eyes as he handed me a black rag and then walked back to the toilet to sit down. "Thanks..." I muttered and got back in, wetting the rag, and then washed off my body.

After a bit of uncomfortable silence, my phone chimed, meaning I had received a new message. "Can you see what it says?" I asked Garrett, closing my eyes as the hot water slid down my hair and relaxed my body.

"Sure..." He muttered, though I could hear him unlocking my phone. "It's from your mom. Want me to read it?"


"'Star, you need to look presentable. No biker boots. And you have to give a speech. Love you!'"

I scoffed and turned off the water rolling my eyes. Putting my hand out, I could feel the softness of my towel placed in my hand and I pulled it in, drying off my body.


"Yes Garrett?"

"...I love you."


For Sam's funeral, I was dressed in a long sleeve black dress that stopped at my knees, the back of it flowing out until it touched the floor. I had slipped on a pair of black flats, and let's my contacts in their holder, showing my green eyes for the first time in a while. My hair was curled to my right side, and placed in it was a black flower with a red lace ribbon that went from the flower and around my head, lacing through my hair.

My phone was placed in its strap that I hid on my thigh under my dress, and I had Sam's ring on my thumb. Though I wanted to do nothing more than skip, I didn't. Instead, I had to suck it up and grab my prewritten speech I managed to do in ten minutes.

"Garrett's here!" My father yelled, which was my signal to go leave. I made sure I looked presentable and then walked out of my room and down the stairs, chugging down my tea as fast as I could.

All eyes were on me when I walked down, and I couldn't help but to feel self conscience. "What?" I asked glaring a little at them.

"You just look beautiful..." Garrett spoke softly, smiling in my direction. Like my father, he wore a black button down shirt with a red flower pinned, a black tie, and black suit pants. His usually messy hair was combed down parted to the left a little where as my dad had his hair slicked back.

"Yeah. Let's go. I'm taking my motorcycle." I grounded out between my teeth and grabbed the keys before they could say anything.

However, looking outside, I couldn't see it anywhere, and my heart dropped. "Where's my motorcycle?" I seethed as I turned around to see my father smirking, and my mother looking at him sadly. "What did you do?"

"Gave it to the junkyard, Star. You are a woman, not a man." He said cooly, which only flared my anger up more.

"I am eighteen! You have no say in what I do!" I yelled, getting ready to launch at him, though I was pulled back by Garrett grabbing my arms and rubbing them. "Just get out of my life!"

"Star, let's go." Garrett spoke in my ear, and sadly I listened.

I watched my mother begin talking to my father though he started yelling at her, making a deep growl erupt from within me.

I hated my father.


One of Sam's members were giving a speech, and I was sitting in the seat to go next. My heart hammered painfully every time I looked at Sam's picture, seeing his familiar soft smile that brought butterflies to my stomach.

I could feel Garrett's gaze on me, though I ignored him, staring at the blown up picture of Sam. "Star?" I looked over to Gage who smiled and waved me over. My turn.

Shakily, I stood and walked over there, turning to face the large group of people who were looking at me with tears in their eyes. They missed Sam. I missed Sam. "Though I didn't know alpha Sam well, he became my friend. In fact, he was the closest I had.

"He made me smile in our short time together with all of the fights over my bed, or swimming together, or when he took me away to scream." I could see a few people laughing and smiling through the tears.

"I wish we were closer, because I truly believe he was something special. He was a great man and a great alpha. He was fearless, and he was loyal."


That voice....

"Sam?" I yelled, looking around. Everyone gave me curious looks as if I was crazy.

"Star honey, wake up. Please, beautiful...."

Wake up?


My eyes cracked open and I glared at the bright light. I wasn't in a dress, I was in my shorts and a tee shirt. Above me, Sam was looming over with a goofy smile on his face. Sam....

Sam!" I yelled, hugging his neck tightly.


Pulling away, I pressed my lips to his and laced my fingers through his hair, barely hearing the jealous growls of Garrett as Sam kissed me back.

"It was just a dream...." I whispered, feeling him smile against my lips.

"Just a dream."


Soooooo what do you think? Please comment your feedback it means a lot :3

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