Chapter Fourteen

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I arrived at the castle in little to no seconds at all, my heart hammering in my chest as I lowered my head and panted. The group of wolves that had attacked Sam howled, though it sounded like howls of retreat. I let a howl out to Sam to let him know I was here, and I heard his reply.

I shifted and pulled on what clothes I brought, looking for anyone who could help me as I dashed through the kingdom doors, panting. "Dad! Mom!" I yelled, rushing to the direction to where I knew where Sam's high ranked members stayed. "I need help! Sam's in trouble!"

Sam's Beta, Ben, came rushing out, his orange hair wild as he began to frantically pull on shorts. "I've contacted everyone else. Star, stay here, please. Make sure everyone here is safe." Ben told me then ran off, leaving his mate, Cat, behind. She was looking at her mate, and I could painfully see the love and adoration she had for him. Something I wish I had myself.

"Don't worry, luna." She told me after turning her attention back, a smile on her face. "They will be okay."

I looked at her curiously, the words "luna" ringing through my mind. Was that how they saw me? As their luna? I was simply just a girl, someone one who could barely take care of herself! I wouldn't be able to takes are of anyone besides myself. I can't even takes are of my pack, and Sam's is a lot larger.

In the middle of my mind rambling, Cat walked over to me and took my hand, taking me downstairs where I was greeted with faces of worried mothers and children. A few of the warriors from my pack have stayed behind, standing guard at the doors, watching over us.

"You need to talk to them. Calm them down." Cat whispered to me, ushering me forward.

I coughed a little and all of the little murmurs everyone was giving off went quiet. They were listening to me. Right now, I was their leader. And that scared the poop out of me. Taking a deep breath, I looked around at everyone. Mothers were holding their children, children were clutching to anything they could. And the guards were emotionless. Watching. Waiting.

"Everyone, listen up." I spoke after some time, trying to keep my voice calm. "The men will be safe. With my own pack combined with Sam's, there's no doubt they will return safely."

They all looked at me with relief in their eyes, a smile on their face. "Now, is there anyone missing?" I asked, counting the heads. They did the same, each one starting with the kids or the elders.

Finally, one short girl who had brown hair to her waist looked at me, the large scar on her face capturing my attention. "Luna. A little girl named Massie is missing..." She said low enough for only me to hear and I looked at Cat.

"Stay here with them. Take them all somewhere far in the castle where no one can find them." I told her and she nodded, pointing in the direction and telling everyone to head west.

Once everyone was gone, I pulled off my clothes and shifted, my bones popping one by one. My legs shifted along with my hands and I landed on all fours, my spine got longer and then snapped, making me biting down on my lip to keep quiet.

My nose shifted into something longer, furrier, and I was staring at everything through the eyes of my wolf. Everything was black and white, more heightened, and I flicked my ears as I listened for any sounds of the attacking pack before I sniffed the piece of fabric that someone said belonged to Massie.

I pushed off the ground and ran, bursting through the doors as the guards opened them. My fur darkened with the dust that stuck to it, but I didn't mind, instead focused on the scent that smelt so familiar it was giving me a headache.

One by one, I followed the scents which were everywhere, though it cut off abruptly at the edge of the woods. Apparently she had been though every part of Sam's territory now she as out of it.

Glancing back at the castle, I took a breath through my nose and pushed off, passing the borders as the scent became faint, but soon became strong once more. Massie was close and I would find her.

A howl rung through the air and it made me shiver, a chill running down my spine. More scents became strong as I followed and eventually I slowed to a stop, seeing a little girl with blond hair tied to a tree, eyes watering, and bruises lined her body.

"They'll be here soon. After all, no one could let this little one go. She's too important to the one we need." A male spoke. I turned my head towards him and my heart stopped. I knew who he was.

"Alpha Drake, will alpha Sam even come?" One member of his pack asked and I slunk back far, shifting so no one could hear before I crept back, quieter than ever.

"If not. We will kill her."

"No!" I yelled and growled, tackling the male head on. However, I apparently underestimated his strength as he shoved me back almost effortlessly, my back crashing into a tree.

"Ah, Star West. Such a pleasure it is to see you, sweetheart." He replied, chuckling.

"Uncle." I hissed, pushing off the tree as I rolled my shoulders to pop them. "Let the girl go."

"Ah, but you see, we cannot do that. We have something Sam wants, and he has something I want. Call it an....agreement."

"You're ignorant uncle! I hope Sam rips you to shreds you-"

"Now, now. No need for those words." He snapped his fingers and two of his men grabbed me, pinning me away as he took Massie up and tossed her into the truck as if she was nothing but a pillow.

"Let her go!" I cried and thrashed against them, feeling their claws sink into my arms. When he started the truck, I shifted, tearing the leg off of one of the men that held me. With a cry, he let go and fell, clutching the sorry excuse for a leg of what he had left.

"Kill her!"

More men attacked me as the truck sped away and I growled, attacking back as I tried to follow.

A howl broke the silent night and the guys holding me down ran, leaving me in a ball as pain shot through my body from the constant forcing of me shifting human and wolf. Tears pricked my eyes because I had let them take her. It was my fault.


Shakily, I looked into Garrett's eyes and whimpered, holding my head. I tried to cover what I could, and it helped as he slipped his shirt over me, covering me.

"What happened?" Sam asked, glancing between Garrett and I.

"They took her..." I whispered and winced, rubbing my head.

"Who?" Garrett asked me but soon Ben walked up, panting.

"Sam, they've taken your sister."

"Massie is his sister?" I asked quietly and looked into Ben's eyes, shaking. He nodded and sighed.

"They want a trade." He spoke more to Sam than anyone.

"Who are they and what do they want." Sam growled out, taking me form Garrett.

"Alpha drake. And he said the only way you'll get Massie back, is if you give him Star as a trade."


Aaaand I posted :3

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