Chapter Six

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I waited until I heard the door slam shut, before lifting my head, and sniffing the air. There weren't any scents left besides that male, so I was alone. I was mentally doing cartwheels and singing, yet physically I remained quiet, prying my eyes open slowly, and looked around at my location.

I was in a cage, that much was clear so far. The bars were stained with something red, and if I wanted to burn my fingers, I could probably feel off some of the flecks of silver. It's not that wolves HATE silver, it's that I am allergic to it. Funny, right? Yeaaaah, wolves aren't hurt by silver so don't believe in that if someone tells you differently.

My eyes adjusted to the darkened room, allowing me to see a bit more clearly what was in the room. A couch, some mini fridges, and a pool table. So if this was basically a men's play room, why was I in a cage in here? It dawned on me when I spotted the chains and whips hidden behind a blanket on the wall. They treated these women like toys? A low growl escaped passed my lips at the sight of those and I turned my head, not wanting to see anymore.

Instead, I focused on trying to contact my parents, or at least someone from my pack.

"Guys?" I asked through the mind link, wondering if it was even strong enough. Are they searching for me? Are my parents okay? Thoughts of Sam appeared in front of my vision and immediately my body tensed. Was he hurt in any way?



"Star, hunny, it's your mother. We're coming after you. Do you know where you are?"

I was about to answer until my head was filled with voices of those from my pack, and Sam's. It was giving me a headache, but I didn't turn off my mind link, afraid they would grow too worried. I waited for what seemed like forever, yet in truth it was only ten minutes of them yelling back and forth at me and each other. I even watched the hands on the clock by the cage tick down.

Did they ever shut up?

"Star, it's Sam. My warriors and I are coming. Where are you?"

He had gotten everyone to be quiet? Huh, I guess I was more focused on the clock. "I am in a cage," I replied bluntly, smirking at a few growls that I heard. "Though I am not sure where. The man that was taking pictures of you and I one night showed up and drugged me to sleep."

"What did he look like!" Was that Garrett?

"Whoa, calm down big boy," I chirped, smirking. So he did care. Huh.

"Star, this is no laughing matter." My father said darkly, his warrior voice in control.

I sighed mentally but shook my head. "He had black hair that was kind of oily, a scar on his face, and he had some odd coloured eyes...." I trailed off, not fully remembering the details of the man.

It seemed so quiet that if a pen was dropped miles away, you could hear it.

"Sam...that's not...."

"Alpha, I thought he was dead?"


"Quiet down!" Garrett yelled though was shushed by a very deadly growl by Sam.

"Star, my love, lay down and close your eyes. I know where you are at."

Did he just call me his love?


When I reopened my eyes, the clock read 11:42 PM. Had I slept for six hours? There was a faint growling sound from the other side of the door and I shot up, my ears perking at the sound, trying to see who it is.

"She is mine, Alexander!" Sam yelled, then there was a cracking sound.

"Tsk tsk. No need to punch walls, Sam."

"Hand her over!" It wasn't a question nor a statement. It was a demand.

There was silent whispers and then a deep, loud growl, bones cracking, and soon two large grey wolves came crashing through the wall, biting into each other's throats, shoulders, and back. I could tell right away which was Sam. His body was larger, with more muscle. He moved more gracefully. Whereas Alexander was a little smaller in size, had more scars on his face, and moved like a wild dog in a cage.

I whimpered and went to grab the bars before I stopped myself, not really wanting to be hurting due to the silver. "Sam!" I yelled, my stomach clenching. His large head shot to me before letting out a painful cry as Alexander locked his jaws around his neck, Sam's blood pooling around them.

My heart was beating furiously, my chest constricted and my hands clenched at my sides as I watched the two males fight. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Garrett run past the room. He must have not noticed anything.

I bit my lip roughly and turned my head when I saw Alexander bite down onto Sam's neck. I wanted to close my eyes and cry but couldn't. Instead, I had turned my head back around in time to see Alexander rip Sam's throat out, blood pooling around the carpeted floor as my chest burst in pain.

"Sam!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face as I gripped the bars, ignoring the pain in my hands. "Sam..."

He's dead....


So what do you guys think about this chapter? Wrote it on my iPad so there's some tweaks and bad things :/ sorry for the shortness also. I'm trying. It's just so frustrating with it being so short. Ugh

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