Farkas x Baby Dragon Reader

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(This request is for Winchester_Huntress , hope you enjoy it and happy reading!)

'Finally, some peace and quiet..'

Farkas thought as he approached his secret spot. It was a hot spring hidden inside a ring of boulders. It sheltered him from the outside world, and made an excellent bathing spot. It was where the Nord went when he was frustrated with the others at the Companions, or when he just needed alone time. He entered the area, the entrance is covered by moss to hide it, and stepped inside. Immediately he was welcomed with the heat of the springs, and he sighed at the feeling.


He sighed, stretching out his sore muscles. He set the towel he carried down, and piece by piece removed the armor on him. His exposed, nude skin immediately relaxed at the comfort the hot springs radiated. The tension in him melted away, but he knew it would be even better to just get in! Moving to the edge of the small pool, he dipped a foot in to test the waters. He shivered at the sweet, sweet warmth of the water. Stepping in entirely, he gasped quietly at the hot water. Settling down, Farkas sighed heavily.

"This is the life!"

He said, leaning his head back onto the rocky walls. Closing his eyes, he submitted to the water and allowed it to soothe his aching body. A good fifteen minutes passed, and Farkas was on the brim of falling asleep.

*scritch scritch*

The sound of claws scrapping against rock made the man jump. Looking up rather quickly, Farkas stared at the entrance. The moss swayed slightly, at the shadow of something was on the other side. Farkas frowned, gritting his teeth as his eyes turned icy from anger. Who interrupted his relaxing time!? His greatsword wasn't too far away, and he easily reached over to grab it. The moss swayed even more, and Farkas grew even more prepared to fight.

A small dragon crawled into the cave. Farkas's eyes widened, a dragon! He lowered his sword, it was only a baby dragon. It was small, barely the size of a goat. It had beautiful (scale color) scales, and sharp (eye color) eyes. It waddled inside, sniffing the air. It spotted Farkas, and croaked at him.

"Hey there little dragon."

Farkas whispered, gently reaching out a hand. The baby made chirping noises as it cocked its head, staring at his hand intently. It poked his fingers with its snout, squeaking in amusement at the feeling of skin.

"Are you all alone?"

Farkas whispered, watching as the little dragon crawled over to him. He silently prayed it was, but then he got a good look at it. It's scaly armor was thin, like silk, and it's teeth were tiny nubs. It couldn't do any damage, it was helpless. It needed somewhere to grow! The dragon lowered its head, letting out a sad rumble.

"Wanna come back with me?"

Immediately, the dragon cheered up.


The warrior jumped at his brother's voice, he sounded really pissed.


He replied, turning to see Vilkas storming up to him. The shorter male stared up into Farkas's eyes, not at all intimidated by his larger build.

"Your room is a mess, clean it up! Or I'll send you into a pit of Frost spiders!"

At the word spiders, Farkas eagerly rushed to his room. However, he was relieved no one found his little pet. Once he stepped into his room, he noticed just how messy his room was. Pillows were scattered, clothes tossed randomly on the floor, and a nest made of blankets on his bed.

Wait, nest?

Looking at it closer, Farkas chuckled at the sight of his baby dragon sleeping. He named her (Name) because he figured out she was a girl due to reading books about dragons and he felt like she was an (Name). She had grown a bit since he first found her a few days ago, but she was still easy to hide. However, (Name) did make quite a mess. Luckily, it didn't bother Farkas since he wasn't very organized himself! It amazed him how he could keep a dragon hidden for this long. He had to sneak extra food into his room every night to feed her, and also he had to keep people out of his room. Vilkas was getting suspicious, which is probably why he was in his brother's room. Farkas didn't want anyone to take (Name) away, she was so sweet and tiny, she needed someone to love her. If she was taken away, Farkas didn't know what he would-

"Is that a dragon?"

Farkas yelped at the voice behind him, whipping around to see Skjor standing at his doorway. Gulping, Farkas nodded.

"Y-yes, I saved her a few days ago. I thought since she was a baby-"

"Dragons grow up Farkas, and they kill us. She will kill us too, we need to release her."

Skjor turned to leave, but Farkas quickly spat out.

"We are werewolves, wolves kill people too but we are still here aren't we? We can control it, so (Name) can control her dragon ways too!"

There was silence, no one spoke a word. Skjor simply stared at Farkas, who didn't plan on backing down. By now, (Name) had woken up and crawled up Farkas's back. She sensed his irritation and nuzzled his neck lovingly to calm him down. Farkas softened his gaze and muscles as he stroked her chin, making the little dragon purr.

"Well... As long as you keep her under control you may have her. But she needs her own sleeping area, she'll be massive before you know it!"

"Thanks Skjor!"

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