Vilkas x Baby Saber Reader Part 1

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(Idea from Winchester_Huntress ! I plan on making this a two part story, this being an introduction and the next being 'how will the others react'. Hope ya like it and happy reading as always!)


A large black werewolf growled at a similar sized Sabertooth. The two were at a standoff. The Saber thought the Werewolf was getting too close to her den for her liking, while the Werewolf was on a job. Vilkas, who happened to be that Werewolf, has been tracking this Saber for a good two days. She had attacked the Riverwood Inn, stole its food, and ran off. She has attacked several people, making her a target for the job.

It was nighttime, and Vilkas found it a good chance to finish this as a Werewolf. It was a classic idea, a 'dog' versus a 'cat'. Vilkas had been creeping near the brush when the Saber leapt out in front of him. It was easy to tell this was the right Tiger, Three deep scars diagonally across her snout, missing right upper fang.

The Sabertooth suddenly leapt at Vilkas, successfully knocking him over and causing them both to roll around. Fur flew into the air and blood splattered on the ground, roars and hisses filled the night sky. The rolling stopped and Vilkas found himself pinned under the Female Tiger. She snapped her massive K9s in front of his snout, her saliva spraying. Vilkas scrunched up his muzzle, baring his own fangs. He kicked with his hind legs, pummeling her gut. Suddenly, two massive knife-like teeth snagged his shoulder. Yelling, the black wolf locked his front paws against the Tiger's snout and yanked her off. Blood oozed from the bite and dripped from her teeth. Vilkas roared, propelling forward and knocking her onto her back. She tried to free herself, but he was too strong and heavy. The Werewolf growled, and latched his teeth into her jugular. He held on, until the Saber moved no more.

Releasing his prize, Vilkas stepped off the Tiger. Blood poured from her bite wounds, the Crimson liquid dribbled down her orange-brown fur. The Tigress lay calmly on her side, she seemed at peace. Vilkas also noticed a strange swelling on her belly, and inched a bit closer. Eight, swollen pink teats were on her stomach. Vilkas gulped, this Saber had kits.


The Werewolf jumped at the sound in the bushes, turning to see a small (fur color) Saber cub crawl out.


It purred, cocking its fluffy head. The kit was tiny, barely a few days old. It's eyes were still shut. Vilkas sniffed it gently, slowly approaching the baby. He didn't want to startle such a helpless thing. The Sabertooth purred when his cold nose touched its forehead, and it rolled over to expose its belly. Vilkas gently smelled its scent, and he could tell by its smell the kit was a female. Like a parent would, Vilkas licked the baby clean and warmed her up. After the kitten was warm again, he softly picked the kit by the scruff and carried it back towards Whiterun.

"This will be interesting."

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