How you met senpai

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(For now the reader will be female and a Nord. If you would like this to change for a particular character, such as reader with Farkas being a Khajiit and reader with Vilkas a Dark Elf, let me know for future scenarios. I apologize if things are not accurate, it's been a while since I played Skyrim but I plan on playing soon with a million mods to mess it up!)


"Head towards Whiterun, tell the Jarl that a dragon has been sighted nearby."

(Name) walked along the path leading from Riverwood to Whiterun, her feet coated in blisters due to running from a dragon. Her skin was choked with soot from its fiery breath, and her hair was stiff and bristled from the smoke. Oh how she prayed to Talos for a bath. Her stomach growled in hunger, despite recently eating with Havir's family. Everything that happened in the last couple hours didn't settle well within (Name)'s stomach.

"Curse that damned dragon, I hope it dies in the most brutal of ways..."

(Name) growled, the image of that fierce dragon imprinted within her brain.

Rounding a steep slope, (Name) gazed upon the view of Whiterun. A battle-scarred city, its clobbered walls and ruins did not soothe her memories of what happened in Helgen. Farms made up the majority of the land surrounding the front of the city, and the buildings within the walls looked to be in much better condition than the barrier protecting them.

"That walk was shorter than I expected..."

(Name) grumbled, slightly wincing with every blistered step she took. Glad the walk was almost over, she was greeted with a masculine battle cry.

"DIE!!!" (Me when I see my school)

A strong, agile huntress slashed vigorously at the legs of a lone giant. The brute roaring angrily with every strike of the dagger. A muscular...handsome... man clashed a greatsword into the flesh of its torso. Every time the metal would dig into the skin he would let out a fierce shout. (Name) stood dumbstruck at the sight of this male, his skin exposed from his armor was strong and bulging with muscle. Every effort he put into his attacks would cause them to flex, sweat pouring from his hot figure-

"Thanks for the 'help'."

The woman fighting with him called out, the corpse of the giant at their feet.



(Name) scowled at the new recruits to The Companions. They were currently training, their skills amateur and worthless. Every newcomer was pretty much the same, save for a few exceptions. Excited, cocky, ready to kill as many beings as possible in one day. However, they merely disappoint.


(Name) grumbled, her expression obvious with judgement.

"You said it."

A male commented from behind her. Turning, she raised an eyebrow at the slightly taller man. Vilkas returned the gesture,

"Something on my face?"

(Name) scoffed, cracking a grin at her fellow Companion. Vilkas was well-praised around Jorrvaskr for his combat skill and intelligence. However, (Name) barely knew him personally. She merely knew he exists.

"No, I just was unaware that you trained them. Shouldn't you be reading, bookworm?"

Vilkas chuckled, grinning at her words.

"Nah, I do other things beside read."

"Oh? Care to give details?"

"I buy books too."

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