Farkas x Adult Dragon Reader

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(2nd part for Winchester_Huntress 's request! Hope y'all like it!)

Farkas was quite proud of himself. He successfully raised a dragon mostly by himself, he got some help from Vilkas and Aela, and she was a fantastic companion! (Name) had grown a lot over the last three years, and was now a full sized dragon. Her (scale color) scales had thickened and overlapped to create a thick set of personal armor. Sharp horns sprouted from her skull and knife-long teeth lay hidden in her mouth. Despite her more intimidating appearance, she was actually like a giant puppy. Farkas spoiled her with hugs and kisses, as well as tasty snacks like meats and pastries. To him, (Name) was his precious girl that he needed to protect. While most of the time, it was the dragon protecting her owner. The two would go on jobs together, which ended mostly with (Name) saving Farkas from Frost spiders. She was a great addition to the Companions, powerful like a dragon but loyal as a Companion.

(Name) was clearly too big for Farkas's room, so she was moved to a special home of her own. A stable was built just outside the walls of Whiterun just for (Name). It was large enough for the dragon to move around in, but not too big to take up unnecessary space. She liked it, it was easy to get her food there. She could also see the stars at night, along with the Eastern Lights (made that up, idk what those lights are called in Skyrim XD). It was beautiful to gaze at when she couldn't get to sleep.

Since she was an adult, she could also hunt for herself and for the Companions. She would fly off for a day or two, and return with a massive elk or even a baby mammoth! The Companions were her family, and she felt the urge to thank them for years of patience and love.

However, (Name) had gone off on a hunting flight three days ago and hasn't returned. Explained above, she took a day or two to hunt and would return rather quickly. It was rare she was gone for three days, since flying was a fast way of travel and she was so skilled at capturing prey quickly. Farkas grew worried, she was never gone for this long. Vilkas kept saying she must be having a hard time, that she might've gone north to Windhelm and into the harsh mountain winds. Farkas didn't believe that story, he believed that his precious (Name) was in danger. What if bandits got her, or even worse another dragon killed her? In his worries, he went off to find her. His family tried to stop him, but Farkas was already on his way.

As Farkas walked through Whiterun, he overheard some guards talking.

"Did you hear about the Dragon Farengar caught in Dragonsreach? I heard he's experimenting on it."

"Yes I have, I actually saw them catch the giant lizard. Tied em up faster than a fish in a net."

Farkas stopped, glaring at the guards. Storming over, he stepped right in front of them.

"In Dragonsreach?!"


Before the guards could say another word, Farkas rushed off for the Cloud District.


Aela shouted as the male rushed by. She had never seen the man run so fast! She ran after him when he didn't reply, catching the attention of his brother Vilkas. He too joined them, following Farkas to the Jarl's keep.

"Brother, what is it?"

Vilkas shouted as they leapt up the stairs. Gasping for air, said man replied.

"I think they captured (Name)!"

Aela growled at this.

"I swear by Talos's chin hairs I'll strangle them if they hurt her!"


"Hold still-!"


Farengar squeaked as he leapt back, barely dodging the flames the dragon spat at him. He had attempted to snag a single on of the beast's scales, but alas even with it tied down the dragon fought back viciously. It's (eye color) eyes were sharp, black pupils shaped like slits as it glared at the Mage with hatred. Pulling its lips back, the reptile revealed piercing fangs as it hissed. Farengar growled in frustration.

"If you don't let me do this for my experiments, I'll have to test on a dead dragon!"


The door leading to the holding room snapped free of its hinges and fell to the floor. Farkas, Aela, and Vilkas rushed in. The Huntress had her bow drawn, pointing it directly at Farengar while Vilkas drew his sword and glared at the nearby guards. Farkas focused on his dragon, who lay tangled up in thick rope.


Drawing his greatsword, Farkas rushed to his friend. She purred gratefully as he cut her free. Once the last rope fell, she stood on her feet and stretched her cramped limbs.

"That's YOUR dragon?!"

Farengar shrieked, wide eyed. Farkas glared at him, but nodded. (Name) stared at the Mage that trapped her, growling as she lowered herself onto all fours and crawled closer to him.

"Whoa whoa whoa, easy there girl easy."

Farengar pleaded slightly, backing up. He tripped over a crack in the stone floor, falling onto his back. (Name) brought her head over him, her teeth merely inches away from his jugular. She lowered her snout to his ear, growling.

"If you ever go near me again and wrap me in those ropes, I'll rip your head off and throw it to the Throat of the World."

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