Brynjolf x Nord Reader

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(Request idea from Souleaterlover482482 ! Thank you and enjoy!)

Brynjolf smiled, gazing down at the beautiful young lass beside him. He looked at the woman in his bed with such adoration, hearts may as well be dancing above his head. (Name) still slept peacefully, despite the dim sounds of training in the background. Brynjolf was a light sleeper and awoke due to the sounds, but he was thankful that he was given a chance to admire his girlfriend like this. Gently, he stroked her bare shoulder with his strong hand, the other propping his head up comfortably from his pillow.

"Morning to you too Brynjolf."

(Name)'s voice was croaky from waking up. Brynjolf jumped slightly, not expecting her to be awake.

"How long have you been up?"

The ginger haired male asked, continuing to rub her arm. (Name) giggled.

"Long enough.... Were you admiring my 'morning beauty'?"

She said sarcastically, rolling over to face her boyfriend. Brynjolf nodded, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Psh, you sure have a sense of humor!"

(Name) scoffed, smiling and closing her eyes as the Thief kissed down to the bridge of her nose.

"Humor? I'm tellin' the truth lass, you're the most beautiful girl in the world! Day and Night!"

Brynjolf praised, nuzzling the tip of his nose to (Name)'s. The Nord raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.

"Oh? And how many girls have you woken up to, hmm?"

"W-well, um.."

(Name) chuckled, knowing she caught him. She knew Brynjolf definitely lacked in female interaction compared to other males in the Thieves Guild, since (Name) was the only girlfriend he had. It was hard to find love in the thieving business, but (Name) definitely 'stole his heart' (NYA! IM SO FUNNY).

"I don't need to wake up to one, I know that you're the best."

(Name) blushed, looking away. Brynjolf chuckled, tipping her chin so their eyes met again.

"I love you, you're the only one for me."

The man whispered, his lips nearing hers.

"I love you too Brinny~"

He stopped, staring at her in surprise.

"Brinny? Really (Name)?"

The Nord woman giggled, holding the back of his head and pulling him closer.

"Yes, now kiss me."

"As you wish weirdo."

The two shared a nice morning kiss, knowing that it was time to wake up. Parting, both Nords (is Brynjolf considered a Nord?) got out of bed and got dressed. After dating for two years, they were definitely comfortable with changing in front of each other.

Today was a very important day. It marked their two year anniversary! Mercer, the ol' grump, was kind enough to allow them a few days off to celebrate. Instead of changing into their Guild attire, (Name) wore a (color) blouse and (color) skirt, finished with a pair of black dress shoes. Brynjolf wore a casual dark grey shirt and black pants, and boots that ride a few inches up from his ankles. Both wore similar sapphire engraved necklaces with silver chains holding them around their necks.

"Ready to go?"

Brynjolf asked, as the two walked out of the Thieves Guild hand in hand. (Name) giggled, squeezing his hand lightly.

"Yes! This'll be quite different from our usual routine."

"Yes, but it'll be nice right?"

(Name) could hear the hint of anxiety in her boyfriend's voice, and she placed a reassuring kiss on his cheek.

"Yes it will."

~Time Skip to the site~

"This is beautiful Brynjolf!"

(Name) praised, staring in awe at where they were. The massive Northern Mountain Range lingered only a few miles across the Valley, but they were far enough to not be effected by the cold. Like said, a beautiful Valley stretched in front of the couple. A gentle river passed through its center, the water looked fresh even from a distance. The grass was lush and a healthy dark green, it felt soft at the touch.

As Brynjolf tied the horses they rode to a tree trunk, their leads long enough for plenty of space to walk, (Name) removed her shoes so her feet could feel the grass. Sure enough, the soft blades tickled her toes and under her feet. It felt amazing compared to stone-crafted roads. When Brynjolf walked to (Name), the two went to a large oak tree nearby. It was tall and sturdy, it's large form casting a massive shadow. It was perfect. (Name) set up the picnic while Brynjolf hitched a small tent for just the two of them. Once set up, it was almost sundown. (Name) had also prepared a fire, and the two Nords cuddled together by it. The air was already getting more chilly, so Brynjolf wrapped himself and his girlfriend up in a Brown Bear skin blanket.

After snacking on cooked Elk meat and drinking mild ale, (Name) spoke up.

"Brynjolf? You know I love you very much."

"Yes I do, and I love you!"

"And I don't want this relationship to end."

"It won't end, we're a perfect match. Nothing can break us up."

(Name) shuffled around, her arms briefly leaving their spot around the male's waist.

"Remember a few weeks ago, when I went to the market place?"

(Name) asked, looking straight into the fire's flames. Brynjolf glanced at her, before doing the same.

"Yes, what about it?"

"Look at me... Please."

Brynjolf did so, meeting (eye color) eyes. He also noticed the shining Amulet of Mara above her chest.

Wait what?!

Brynjolf's green eyes widened, his jaw dropping in surprise.

"B-Brinny... You've always been there for me, loved me, and encouraged me. We've been dating for two years now, and I want you to know that I'm ready. I'm ready for our relationship to move up, to where we can call each other husband and wife."

Brynjolf chuckled, despite the tears pooling in his eyes. He cupped (Name)'s cheeks between his warm palms, his thumbs wiping away the tears that strayed from her eyes. He leaned down, pressing their foreheads together softly.

"As much as that nickname sounds ridiculous, I'll gladly marry you. I love you so so much, thank you for coming into my life."

With that, the two Nord's lips met in a loving kiss.

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