Day 2 Korean, Dancing, and Flirting

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“We get to learn Korean! Korean! We get to learn Korean! And hopefully impress Zelo!” I sang as we walked into our dorm. “Ugh! Give it a rest! You’ve been singing that since we got in the car. Enough already!” Meisong shouted. We all sat around the TV and turned on a movie and enjoyed the rest of the night to ourselves.


“It’s pronounced an- yeong-has-eyo! Repeat it again!” Our tutor repeated for the hundredths time. “Annyeonnnhaseyo.” I said. Our tutor sighed, “Jennifer, how about you?” Jennifer looked a little nervous, “Annyeonghaseyo!”

“Perfect! Okay let’s just move onto directions. You got the greetings down, so next you need to know directions, places, and time/numbers.” Jennifer and I slammed our head to the desk and groaned. “I thought you were so excited to learn Korean…” Jennifer whispered. “I was wrong… So very very wrong… Is Zelo worth this… Yes… Yes he is. I have to keep going…” I tried encouraging myself.

By the time our class ended our day had vanished, “So where to next?”

“We could talk to Jongup and Zelo, who are coming up to us right now.” Jennifer chuckled as she pointed at the two guys. “Talk to them? We don’t know Korean yet!” I panicked. “Annyeong!” Zelo smiled as he stopped in front of us. “Annyeong.” We replied. Zelo began to speak to us in Korean and we looked at him in confusion, “He’s saying ‘Are you busy? Want to go to a café with us?’” Meisong translated as she flipped her hair off her shoulders. “Sorry guys, unnie wants us to meet in the dance studio.” Meisong spoke. “Really?! Why do we have to?” Jennifer and I whined. Zelo looked at Jongup and then spoke to Meisong who replied back with a smile. “What are you talking about?” Jennifer asked. “Oh, they are coming to watch us. Let’s go. Lauren worked on this last night after we went to bed.” Meisong smiled. “She pulled an all nighter again? Oh man, this dance is going to kill me.” I groaned as we walked up with Zelo and Jongup. When we got to the studio we heard laughing and when we got in Lauren was stretching out while laughing with the rest of B.A.P, “Whoa! Why is everyone here?” Meisong smiled. “Oh, you guys are finally here! Hurry up and change. Melissa, take your hair down it needs to be down in this dance.” Lauren ordered as she threw us our bags.

“What song are we doing?” I asked as we stretched out. “Two songs. The Boys by Girl’s Generation and Hello by Nu’est.” Lauren smiled. “What are the routines?” I sighed. “I’ll show you.” Lauren stood in front of us and took a few deep breaths before she played the instrumental of the two songs. We stared at her in amazement as she danced with perfection. When she stopped the music also stopped and she turned to look at us, “Got it?” She panted lightly. “ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!” I shouted. Lauren chuckled, “What do you think?” We got up from the ground and shook ourselves out before we walked up to Lauren, “Challenge accepted.” Jennifer smiled. “That’s what I like to hear.” Lauren laughed before playing the two songs again.

3rd Person

As the girls performed people who would walk by the dance studio would stop and peer in on the girls dancing and singing. By the time they girls finished ‘The Boys’ by Girl’s Generation a group of the staff stood outside the studio in silence, “What’s going on?” a woman asked as she walked towards the crowd. “Oh Mrs. Hanul, it’s your group. Come see come see.” A younger woman whispered happily. Hanul walked up to the front of the group and looked at her group in amazement. “They said the leader came up with the choreography. You got true talent in our hands. Handle them well.” A few workers advised. “Yes. I will.” She smiled as she walked off from the crowd. “Where are you going, Hanul?” Hanul smiled, “To get a song for my stars.” She winked.


We finished our songs and we all smiled at each other, “We did it! Woo! Jen, we didn’t die!” Melody shouted in happiness. I walked towards the B.A.P group and they handed me the towels, “That was awesome, noona!” Zelo grinned. “Thanks.” I replied as I tossed the girls their towels. “Also thanks Oppa for helping me with the Hello choreography. You must have been so busy today too.” I smiled. Himchan smiled back, “Not a problem. You can always look for me if you need more help.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied. “Hey can I see your phone real fast?” Himchan asked. I unclipped my cell phone from its case that was attached to my pants and handed it to him and a few moments later he handed it back. My phone buzzed and I flipped it open…

Himchan: Now we can text ;)

I looked up at Himchan and laughed before looking back at my phone then replied to it.

Me: You better not bore me (:

Himchan checked his message then replied.

Himchan: Bore? Who me? Do you not know me?

I laughed, “Lauren, stop flirting with Himchan!” Melody joked. “Flirt?! What are you talking about?” I blushed as I placed my phone in its case. “Well, you want to go chill at a café or something? We don’t want to go to the dorms yet. We can get to know each other!” Meisong suggested. “Let’s go!” The guys said in English.

At the café, we all sat together drinking tea, coffee, and munching on goodies. “So tell us about where you are from!” Yongguk started the conversation. “Umm… Melody is from New York, Jennifer is from Maine I believe, and Meisong is from here. I came from Germany.” I answered. “Wow, all from around the world!” The guys laughed. “Yea, we all met in America. I’m originally from Texas, but military kept moving my family then I got accepted into a University in France and I just stayed in Europe since.” I looked on the side of me and noticed Melody and Jennifer talking amongst their selves. “Do you want me to translate for you?” I asked. “No!” Melody shouted a little too loud. She quickly pulled out her phone and began to rapidly type on it then showed it to the B.A.P group. They looked at it for a bit before Daehyun pulled out his phone and wrote back, “They are using translators.” Meisong clarified. “Translators? Really? Wow, whatever works go for it.” I smiled. My phone rang and when I looked at the caller idea I felt my smile slip away, “Excuse me.” I smiled before I walked outside the café.


“Excuse me.” Lauren excused herself as she walked outside the café. “Give me a moment okay guys?” I excused myself as I followed Lauren out. “Hello? Abigail, why are you calling? Is something wrong?... I see… They are fighting again... Where are you?... The hospital?! Why? Are you hurt?... Oh yea? Of course I’ll be home one day. I can’t leave my sister all alone. She gets sick too often… Yea, I love you too… Okay, feel better. Bye.” Lauren hung up her phone and held it tightly in her hand. “Is Abby okay?” I asked as I walked up behind Lauren. She clutched her phone tighter and said nothing, “You need to be by her side… I’m sure Jen and Mel would understand… They don’t even know, do they? That Abby’s chemotherapy didn’t work… You haven’t told them, have you?” Lauren turned towards me with an emotionless face. “I can’t leave. Abby wanted me to become famous. Like the girls said yesterday. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If I can’t be with Abby now I want to be by her and give her my first album or single.” Lauren smiled before she walked back into the café. “Stop worrying about everyone else.” I whispered before I followed Lauren inside.

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