Day 46- Day Off (Part 2 or 4)

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Start- Day 46


Time- 7:30 A.M.

I was the first one up in the dorm, as always, and quickly showered and put on a pair of yoga pants and a plain black shirt as I walked out of the bathroom. I went into the kitchen, made a strawberry-banana smoothie, and got my gym bag filled with regular clothes and packed up a lunch for three. “Alright, time to get the boys.” I muttered to myself as I tied my hair into a high ponytail and walked out the dorm.

I made it to B.A.P’s dorm in 10 minutes and I pulled out the spare key Yongguk gave in case of emergencies or something like that. This would count as an emergency right? I need dance practice. That was a huge emergency, right? Well in my book it is. I unlocked the door and casually walked in like I owned the place. I threw my bag down and walked in Yongguk’s room. I stepped on the bottom bunk and looked at Yongguk sleeping, “Yea, I’ll be up at 7:30, don’t worry.” I mocked Yongguk’s comment that he told me yesterday on the phone. “Liar.” I poked him in the head. He groaned in reply, “Whh?” he sleepily responded. “Dance practice? Did you forget what you said yesterday?”

“5 minutes…” he mumbled turning away from me. I glare at him, “Fine, I’ll get Himchan then.” I growled as I jumped down from the side of one of the other member’s bed and went to Himchan’s bed. “Himmmchhann. Wake up and dance with me.” I whispered as I poked his nose. “Go away…” he mumbled. “Fine, plan B…” I glared as I walked into their kitchen grabbing several cubes of ice. I marched back into the room and climbed up the side of the bunk beds. I threw ice onto their chests and stood in the middle of the room and waited a few more seconds. “What the hell?!” Yongguk shouted as he was the first to react and Himchan shot up in bed too. The other members darted up in their beds and looked at Himchan or Yongguk, “Good morning sunshines! Now that you are up we can go dance like you said we could.” I greeted as I sat on one of their dressers. The two men glared at me, “We’ll get you for this later.” Himchan hissed as he grabbed the cubed ices out of his bed. “Yea yea. Get up! You said you’d be up at 7:30 it’s almost 8.” The other four members groaned, “Hyungs, get out of here! We are trying to sleep!” Zelo whined as he lied back down and the other 3 members nodded in agreement. “You heard them. Let’s go!” I smirked. Yongguk and Himchan glared at me and made their ways off their bunks. “Go wait in the living room we need to shower and get ready.” Himchan sighed. “Okii dokii.” I skipped out of their room and walked into their living room.

After 15 minutes, the two men dragged themselves into the living room, “You ready?” Yongguk ask. “Been ready.” I replied as we headed to the front door. “We didn’t eat breakfast.” Himchan commented. I searched through my bag and pulled out 2 lunchboxes, “I figured you wouldn’t have eaten, so I made you guys breakfast.” They took the lunchboxes and we got into a taxi then headed to the studio as the guys munched on their food. “How’d you get in anyway?” Himchan asked. “Yongguk gave me the key in case of an emergency.” Yongguk glared at me. “Yes, emergencies. Not for wake us up with no reason.”

“I consider dancing a major emergency.” I stated as I held up my pointer finger for emphases. “How is dancing an emergency?” They asked. “I’ve been off lately and it’s really killing my mood. I need the extra practice before we start making our music video.” I admitted. “Oh yea, I heard you are releasing your first single in a few weeks. Why work more on your day off? Won’t that add to your stress?” Himchan worried. “No, I have to do this. I have someone back home depending on me to get my single out quickly.”

“Who?” Yongguk asked. “No one you know. It’s just really important to them.”  I smiled lightly looking up at the guys. Before they could continue asking me questions the taxi pulled up in front of the studio, “Look here we are.” I grinned as I hopped out of the taxi. I paid the taxi driver and we headed inside, “Okay, so what are we even dancing to? Your song?” Himchan asked. “No, too girly. Can we dance to ‘Warrior’ or something?” I asked. “Can you even dance to our song?” I flushed in annoyance. “Of course! I just… need to learn the moves…” I mumbled. They looked at me for a moment before they began laughing loudly, “Hey! Knock it off! Are you going to teach me or not?” I huffed as I set down my bag. Their laughter died down at last as they tried catching their breath, “Yea… we can teach you.” Yongguk grinned.

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