Chapter Eight

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Chuuya was lost. 

He searched and searched for a door or any exits get out. It was like a room of endless space. everything was white, nothing else is there is only there but him. He kept running, running until the got tired. He gives up, nothing will happen. He's just running around the endless room.

Why is he there?

What is he doing there?

How did he end up there?

Chuuya's mind was filled with those questions. He's tired. What is he's supposed to do now? A voice echoed in his mind. His head is in pain. Like he used to have before he- what was he's doing before he ended up there? the voices were echoing loudly, he can't stop it.

"Get away from us!"

"You don't deserve to live!"

"Do you deserve to be loved? You look so disgusting!"

"It's better if you'll disappear because guess what, no one would miss you."

Chuuya screamed, his voice was echoing in the room. No one was there to save him nor comfort him. Did he do something wrong? What did he do? He did nothing. He was just an ordinary teenage boy with an odd-looking orange hair and blessed with ocean blue eyes.

Why should people treat him in that way?

Why do people even judge a book by its cover?

Life is unfair

A hand grabbed his head. It hurts him. Is it another bully who will beat him up again? He looked up. His blue eyes met a boy with chestnut eyes.

It was Dazai

He was gripping his hair tightly as if he will take his hair off. Chuuya couldn't speak. What is he doing? Why is Dazai hurting him? In a split second, he laughed. His laughter echoed around the room. Leaving the poor Chuuya whimper.

"Do you even think I'll be friends with someone like you?  You're so ugly and weak. Just like how poor people are. you're one of them. it serves you right since people are avoiding you. Want to know why?"

Chuuya tried to get rid of his hand but he couldn't. It only made Dazai laugh harder.

"Because you don't belong here."

Chuuya froze. Is he just pretending to be his friend the whole time? How rude of him. Good thing he didn't say a yes, or else, he'll regret it.

"You are truly an idiot! you're a monster! And you even waited for me to answer that stupid question of yours?! Guess what, the answer is a big no! you people are the ones who don't deserve to live!" Chuuya yelled at him, fresh tears sliding down his face.

He's tired all of this mess.

Dazai raised a gun and pointed it at Chuuya's head, smiling heavenly.

"We will save that for later. See you soon, Chuuya."


Chuuya fell to the ground. The red liquid is pouring out from his head as he fell into blackness... Down .. Down .. Down.


Something was screaming loudly. He quickly sat up, trying to adjust his sight. He was sweating. Someone was calling his name. He looked around and spotted a brown thing in front of him. It wasn't a thing, it was a person. His blue eyes met Dazai's chestnut ones. He was worried, it was shown clearly on his face. Chuuya sighed. He noticed that the pain in his head got lessen.

He looked at the sky from the window of his room, the sun was about to set. Dazai tilted his head as he tapped Chuuya's shoulder to get his attention.

"Are you alright, Chuuya? " he asked worriedly.

"You... you killed me," Chuuya said, quietly. Dazai's eyes winded.

Kill? He would never do that, especially to him. Did he have a nightmare?

"Explain what happened to you. You were screaming while you were asleep. I was trying to shook you awake but at first, it didn't work. Tell me everything." Dazai said, his voice was serious, his eyes locked on him.

"Uh.. well.." Chuuya cleared his throat. "I was trapped in this room. There was nowhere to go. There's no door, no exit, nothing. It was only me hearing voices from my head. They are telling me that I do not deserve to live. I'm useless and they wish me to disappear from this world. Then, you came up. you were gripping my head tightly, it hurts and I could even barely move. You said I was never your friend from the very beginning. You were just pretending to be one. People are avoiding because..."

"Because? Chuuya goes on, continue."

"I don't belong here," he said, almost like a whisper. "You were holding a gun and shot me and the head. It felt so real Dazai.."

Dazai frowned. He cupped his hands on Chuuya's cheek as he saw a tint of pink appeared on his cheek.

"You know I wouldn't do that, and besides I never actually killed someone before. it's just a bad dream, Chuuya. People exist for a reason. You're here for a reason, I'm here with you. I wouldn't want you to be hurt by anyone. If people aren't treating you right, there's always a person who will be comforting you and that is me~!" Dazai stated happily as he ruffled his hair.

Chuuya rolled his eyes and pounded his fist on the bed. "Alright then... oh uh, I'm hungry Dazai! give me food!"

Dazai cracked a smile on his face before laughing. "Alright, alright. Coming right up! I wouldn't let my master starve to death!"


"I'm coming! Hang on Chuuya!"

Dazai rushed to the kitchen to feed him. Chuuya's heart gave a loud thud. His heart was beating fast. Something was wrong with him ever since he met him. He has the feeling that...

He likes him


woohoo soukoku moment of. I want to end the book within 10 to 15 because if I write longer it would be boring. I'm not sure, okay? I just thought. im actually fangirling while writing this aha. well, it's kinda long, took 900+ words excluding this part. anyhow, thanks for reading and for the 400+ reads and 100+ votes!

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