Chapter Eleven

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He was panting. He felt that everything around him was spinning. Though he might pass out at any moment. He left his bike outside of the hospital. He tripped himself, causing him to fall into the ground, hard.

"D-Dazai .." he could barely speak. he placed a hand on a reception desk, trying to support himself. "D-Dazai .. Where are-"

"Sir, are you alright?" a feminine voice interrupted him from his sentence. Her face was giving a worried look.

"Y-Yes I'm completely fine," Chuuya said, trying to fix his blurred vision. "Where is Osamu Dazai ?"

"Oh, he is in the operation room now sir, he's-" Chuuya ran off, heading to the emergency room. He didn't even let the nurse finish her sentence.

The brunette that he was looking for was laying on a white hospital bed. An oxygen mask was pinned on his mouth. The heart monitor beside him was beeping loudly as the doctors and nurses were circling him. Dazai was in a mess. His head was wrapped in thick bandages same goes for his shoulder.

Chuuya couldn't believe his eyes.

"He was involved in an accident"

No, it can't be...

"Dazai..." he whispered as he let the tears to roll down on his cheeks as he sat down on the cold ground, sobbing loudly. He didn't wish for this to happen. H wished that Dazai would be fine, wherever he is.. why did this happen?

"This happened because of me..." he said loudly. "It's all my fault! If only I didn't run away like a coward bastard then... He wouldn't have to be here!"

"Um mister..?" a soft voice said.

Chuuya turned around to see a boy with the age around eighteen walked towards him to hand give his handkerchief. Chuuya reluctantly took it and wipe out his tears.

"T-Thanks .." he choked out, handing him back his handkerchief.

"I do not want to be rude but... Why are you crying over Dazai-san? Are you one of his friends?" the boy innocently asks.


"Yeah, I am. I'm one of his... "Friends" you're talking about." Chuuya exasperated, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, I've never seen him around someone before. My name is Nakajima Atsushi by the way!" albino boy effused, giving him his hand to shake hands with him.

Chuuya didn't take it, he gave him a glare instead, "Nakahara Chuuya."

Atsushi slowly lowered his hand. He looked at the operation room and sighed.

"If you didn't know. Dazai-san got drunk the other day," he said. "He was saying something that he was being rejected by the one he truly loves. I was trying to calm him down when he ran out of the bar and got hit by a truck-"

Chuuya grabbed the collar of his shirt, "Why didn't you stop him then?!" he exploded, his voice echoing the hall. "You knew the whole thing from the very beginning! Why didn't you stop him from going to that goddam bar?! why didn't you chase after him?!"

"C-Calm down!" Atsushi yelled. "I did chase him but it was too late! I tried my best to stop him but he didn't want to! There's nothing as worthless as I can do to stop him! It's useless... It was my fault he got hospitalized in the first place!"

"You're wrong.." Chuuya said, letting him go. "It was me who triggered him to go to the bar and get himself drunk... It was my fault, not yours and you got no business about it." he looked away and walked towards the bench that the hospital provided.

"Tell me, boy.." he said, looking at the ceiling. "Do you like Dazai?"

Atsushi chuckled, "I am sorry but, I only like him as a friend."

Chuuya smirked, "Good to know. It was you who rushed him into this hospital?"

Atsushi nodded. "Yes, I did. I was really worried and I hope he'll be recovered quickly."

"Don't you worry... Dazai will be fine. He's strong and I know he won't just leave the crap out of us. Because if he did, I won't be visiting his grave " Chuuya whispered. Atsushi chuckled


After hours and hours, Chuuya and Atsushi tried to make themselves to be active and awake if ever the doctor would come out from the operation room. A woman came running down the halls, panting heavily. She appears to have a chocolate brown hair, Chuuya reminded him of Dazai somehow.

"I-is Dazai inside there? oh, my poor Boy... What happened to him?" she asked the two of them.

Chuuya stood up. "He got involved in an accident, ma'am. That was one of the witnesses saw but we can't be sure yet."

When the doctor came out of the operation room. The three of them ran up to him, asking several questions about what happened to him.

"Bystanders said he was hit by a truck. By the look of the blunt trauma on his head, it's undeniable. Better check with the police about that." the doctor explained, pushing her glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "The accident could have happened minutes after being admitted here by midnight. It was good because we were still able to revive him."

"But we can't assure you when he's going to wake up. He suffered from severe internal bleeding and a broken right arm, but the trauma on his head might leave him unconscious. Worse, in comatose."

Chuuya's eyes widened

"He can't possibly be on a coma. He can't.. he.. he doesn't need to be in that condition. No.. Why is this.. happening.. why?"

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