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Jane Carbon-17

I slowly open my eyes... I feel like crap... Every part of my body aches... Am I dead?... I must be... I see someone walking near me.

''Are you God?...'' He smiles.

''No, I'm not God.'' That means I'm still alive. I tense up, and try to grab my sword and attack him, but it is useless. I'm too sore, and can barely move.

''Now, girl, you don't want to re-injure your wounds, so you should just remain still...''

''Who the hell are you?''

''Who am I? Well, I'm not God.''

''I asked, who the hell are you?!''

''All in good time, Miss Carbon...''

''The last person to call me that blew up.''

''So it seems, Miss-''

''What is there to figure out?! I'm not a lady, so why does everyone call me Miss?! I'm Jane, or nothing at all! Figure it out!''

''Now, Jane... You really should stop moving... You're going to waste all that time I spent taking you out of that explosion...''

Explosion... The memories suddenly flood through me. The battle. My desperate move. The explosion. Matthew's screams.

''You pulled me out?''


''Is he dead?''

''Yes. He is dead.'' I hate lying down, and manage to sit up, after some struggling.

''Well, aren't you stubborn?'' I look him in the eye.

''What happened? You're not a player.'' He's got messy brown hair, and looks as if he's a few years older than me. His eyes are a deep blue, and he's wearing silver clothing and a white cloak. He sighs, and paces for a moment.

''No. I am not a player. My name is Cipher. I broke into the Arena a week ago. I've been following you for days.''


''I'm getting there.'' I notice his eyes are the eyes of someone who is adventurous, but also weary and sad. They are the eyes of someone who has seen much and is extremely intelligent.

''I watched the battle between you and Matthew, but I didn't expect you throw that Zalzarian fireball. I pulled you out of the flames after the explosion, carried you here, and healed you.''

''How do you know so much?''


''Who are you?''


''Are you that stupid? Who are you?'' He sighs again.

''I am Cipher. My brother is the Gamemaker.'' I have another attempt to move.

''Get away from me! You're evil!''

''My brother is evil!''


''I'm here to help! I wish to overthrow my brother and end this!''


''I'm on your side!'' I don't let my guard down.


He sighs again...

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