The Great Escape

74 11 4

Sophia-Rose Jones-18

I run through the snow, not stopping, not looking back, nothing. I need to get out of here. That monster. It killed Kit. Who knows what could be coming after me, now? I scan the ground, with Kit's skeleton key in my hand. The  only thing I have left of him. I will avenge his death.

Coming here was a terrible idea. I'm so stupid... Boxes fall from the sky. Pretty little boxes with pretty little parachutes, but I don't trust them. It's all a trap, a set-up... I just continue running.

Running keeps me from losing my mind, from losing it all, and just lying in the snow, waiting for death. I don't want to die. I continue running.

Then I see it... The platform. The controls just sticking out of the snow. My heart picks up a little bit. I un-bury it, and look at it carefully. Excited, I push the button... Nothing... Nothing happens. I fall to my knees.

''Why?!'' I yell to the sky. ''Why do it?! Do it at all?!''

The Gamemaker. Who did all of this. That evil man. This is no game. Who calls a bunch of kids killing each other a game? I'm about to give up. Just lie in the snow, when I see it. A keyhole. A keyhole? Why? I think, then I figure it out. It's a desperate attempt, but it's an attempt nonetheless. I look at Kit's skeleton key, and stick it in the hole.

There's a hum. A whir. The grinding of gears. I push the button, and this time it moves. There's a flash of light, and, like magic, I am standing in a different place. A room. A door opens, and the Gamemaker appears.

''Hello, Sophia.''

I say nothing, but eye him with hate.

''Go to Hell.''

''Now, now. You just got out, did you not? I could easily stick you back in there. But I won't... No... You are free to go, Sophia.''

He opens the door, and reveals crowds of people. I'm free. Truly. I can only hope that others can manage to escape, as well. I continue to glare at the Gamemaker, but one good thought sticks out in my mind. Kit played a part. He set the path for others to escape. His key brought the escape route to life...

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