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It was the trembling of the ground that first alerted Lucina to the fact that something was wrong.

She had been anxiously pacing the empty dining hall for the better part of an hour, trying not to worry about her parents but unable to help it. She hated being left behind when the Shepherds went on missions, but her father had been firm about her staying. Apparently, this one was far more dangerous than any she'd done before. If that was the case, she'd wanted to be there, fighting alongside her parents and trying to keep them safe. But the Prince of Ylisse's word was final.

She had paused to look out of the window at the royal gardens for a moment when a small tremor started up in the ground. The force of it grew quickly, and she grabbed the windowsill to steady herself. It was not enough, and she fell forwards, touching noses with her own reflection and almost hitting her head on the glass. A teenage girl stared back at her with wide eyes. Then they flitted upwards, tracking something across the window pane. One of the chandeliers had made a break for freedom, spinning through the air towards her.

She spun and dived to the side, rolling away as an almighty roar exploded in her ears. At first, she thought it was the shattering of the glass as the chandelier plundered into it, but the sound was much too deep.

She scrambled into a sitting position, scooting backwards as her eyes homed in on the spot where she'd been standing. The window was miraculously intact and the chandelier had hit the ground, but still the roar went on. The sound echoed around her like a terrifying battle cry, and fear clutched her heart as she stared at the horizon.

The sky had turned a deep purple, and brilliant flashes of white lightning were raining down. Beyond them, a monstrous shadow hovered, so far away that if Lucina had shut one eye and held up her fingers she could have crushed it into the palm of her hand. The reality made her want to shut both eyes and never open them again.

That tiny stain on the grapefruit sky was at least three times bigger than the castle. That was Grima, she was sure of it. The fell dragon, the god of destruction, had been Awakened.

The end of the world was nigh.

Without warning the roar cut off. It was replaced with the terrified cries of her people. She lifted herself up on trembling limbs, her hand reaching for her sword while her eyes stayed glued to the window. Only when her weapon was nestled in her palm did she tear her gaze away and bolt for the door.

It was flung open before she could reach it, and the two commanders of the Ylissean army strode towards her. They were flanked by soldiers who tripped and wobbled on the unsteady ground, yet they moved as swiftly and gracefully as if the earth had been still. They pulled up in front of her, looking grave.

"Princess Lucina," Commander Calla began, her usually expressionless gunmetal grey eyes holding a hint of panic. "Undead warriors are filling the streets."

Lucina frowned. "Undead warriors?"

Commander Merton cut in, his voice harsh. "Soldiers who have been raised from the grave with weapons in hand and a strength that rivals even the strongest living man. They are linked with the earth tremors, no doubt."

"And Grima," Lucina said.

Her commanders exchanged a glance. The army was not their only duty – whenever Chrom was away on a mission that required him to leave Lucina and Morgan behind, the commanders became their guardians. This silent conversation was about what to say to reassure a young girl, not what to say to a princess. But it was pointless to deny what was clearly true.

"Correct," Calla said, "but we must focus on the troubles of our people for the present. The undead move quickly and have already started to kill. What would you have us do, milady?"

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