Chapter 38: Invisible Ties

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As soon as his feet hit the dry land, Chrom reached out to steady Robin. His hands closed around nothing but fresh air.

His arms fell limply to his sides.

His eyes were burning from his tears, but Robin was gone now, truly gone, and all the fight was seeping out of him. He could not sob like Morgan was some way behind him, or utter sombre words of celebration like the Shepherds. The only thing he felt capable of doing was falling to his knees and never rising, but he could not, would not, show what his wife's death meant to him in front of his soldiers. He was stronger than he had been the first time he'd lost someone he loved. Robin had taught him how to be.

So he stood still and looked out to sea, where the fell dragon's body was slowly dissipating. He let the weight on his chest silently crush him, piece by piece.

They'd achieved what had been deemed impossible, but it had come at a high price. The woman he loved, the woman who'd saved his life, the woman who was behind their victory...wasn't with them.

But he couldn't shake away the feeling that she was. He'd always been able to feel Robin's presence near him without having to look. Now it felt like she was hovering close by. In fact, it felt like she was right beside him...

He turned sharply to the side. No one was there. It was just his grief playing tricks on him.

Then invisible arms tightened around his torso in a fierce hug, there and gone again.

His heart skittered as if Robin had really been pressed against him. Surely he could not be imagining the tingling sensation spreading across his skin.

And surely he would know in his heart if Robin was really gone. Wouldn't he?

He turned to the Shepherds. Frederick and Sumia were huddled close together, watching him in despair. Cordelia was in Stahl's arms, her shoulders shaking violently. Lissa was crying, too, her face buried in Lon'qu's chest so that she did not notice the shine to his own eyes. Cherche was trying to comfort her distressed-looking wyvern. Gerome was standing beside her with his own, his head turned towards the two figures on the floor.

Lucina, her legs still drenched in blood, had Morgan in her arms. She murmured soothing words to her younger brother as he cried, always being the carer despite the sorrow in her eyes.

Chrom strode towards them, his chest tightening. He was not the only one who needed his tactician. Thanks to her, he was still alive. He was still the leader.

It was not Lucina's time to take his place.

He pulled his children up from the floor and into his arms. Then he rested his chin on Lucina's head. "You don't have to stay strong anymore, my little princess."

Lucina sagged against him with a sob, her cries even louder than Morgan's. The sound broke Chrom's heart.

Why did you do this, Robin? Why did you go?

Someone else joined their hug for a fleeting moment, her head resting against Chrom's chest. Lucina's sobs juddered to a halt, catching in her throat as she looked up. Even Morgan stilled. They could feel it, too.

The person left again.

Lucina blinked, her red-rimmed eyes full of confusion. Chrom stepped back and squeezed her shoulder. "It's time for us to go."

Lucina nodded, putting her arm around Morgan. He was too lost in his tears to understand what was going on. Chrom let his gaze linger on them.

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