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15 Months Later

"I found your book." Cordelia popped her head around the doorway of my study.

I glanced up from the stack of texts I'd been searching through. "Brilliant! Could you put it on my desk, please? Only –"

"It's in the garrison," she replied, an unusually cheeky smile lighting up her face. "You'll have to come and get it."

"Er...why? Is someone else using it?"

"Something like that." She beckoned for me to follow her, then vanished again.

I sighed in resignation and stood up. I supposed I'd just have to play along if I was ever going to be able to read up on the tactical movement I'd been thinking about.

I exited my study and locked the door, then followed Cordelia down to the garrison. She was walking so quickly that she was practically trotting, and I almost had to run to keep up. My new guard had never acted quite like this.

"Are you all right, Cordelia?" I asked as we descended the small flight of steps to the garrison.

She stopped in front of the door and glanced back at me, her red hair swinging over her shoulders. "Never better."

I reached her side. "Then what –"

She turned away again and threw the garrison door open with gusto. "Ta-da!"

"Happy birthday, Robin!"

My mouth fell open. Everyone was in the garrison – every Shepherd, even if they had only been a member for a short period of time, was packed inside the main living room, their faces lit up by twenty-five flickering candles that were stuck into a giant chocolate cake. Cordelia ushered me in and shut the door behind us.

"Mother!" Morgan raced towards me with a grin.

Lucina chased after him, laughing, with Chrom hot on her heels.

When they reached us, my husband drew me into a tight embrace, and I smiled as Lucina and Morgan joined the cuddle.

"Did you organise all of this just for me?" I asked.

"Yes!" Lucina looked up at me hopefully. "Do you like it, Mother?"

I grinned. "I love it! But you didn't have to. I'm sure everyone's too busy to pay a visit, really..."

"No," Chrom said. "We all owe a great deal to you. No one thought twice about coming back here to celebrate your birthday now that things have settled down a bit."

After Grima had been slain, almost everyone had returned to their native countries to help heal the scars of war. Cherche had gone home to Rosanne with Virion as her fiancé, but she'd been making regular visits to come back and see her son. Flavia and Basilio had retreated to Regna Ferox again, and Say'ri had remained in Chon'sin. The rest of us had worked hard to restore Ylisse.

Soon after the greatest of the jobs were done and our realm had been starting to mend, Chrom had finally taken up the title of the exalt. Frederick had started training to become Merton's successor, and Sumia had resigned as my guard, deciding to peacefully breed pegasi within the castle grounds instead. Cordelia had happily stepped onto the role of my new guard, and she'd managed to find a balance in fulfilling the duties she owed both to me and Commander Calla.

Lon'qu had returned to Regna Ferox, where he was serving as Basilio's right-hand man. Lissa had decided to leave Ylisstol and join her husband, strengthening the bond between our realms. Morgan and Lucina had stayed with us, thankfully, and our daughter had courted Gerome, ending in a marriage proposal. We were all looking forward to their wedding. She had promised to continue living with us for a while afterwards, as she had gotten used to baby Lucy. Now that I was in the early stages of pregnancy with baby Morgan, he was going to have to get used to living with a different version of himself, too.

As if reading my thoughts, Chrom placed his hand on my stomach for a moment. "Finally, we're all here." He smiled at me gently. "Come. I think you'll both want to try Stahl's chocolate cake."

He led me to the table where everyone and the cake were sitting. I was delighted to see all my old friends, especially those who hadn't visited us since Grima's demise. I talked with them about how their realms were getting on until baby Morgan put a halt to our conversation by making my stomach rumble loudly.

Led by Chrom, the Shepherds sang Happy Birthday, then watched as I blew out the candles and made a wish.

Cordelia began to cut the cake, and Chrom lowered his head towards mine. "What did you wish for?"

"It's a secret."

He raised his eyebrows. "We don't keep secrets."

I laughed. "You'll have to find a way to get me to tell you, then."

I turned away to accept a slice of cake from Cordelia. When I turned back, Chrom's pupils were blown wide, and his eyes were dark with mischief. I blushed and dropped my gaze to my cake, focusing all my attention on it. I didn't want to encourage him here.

He seemed to forget about my dare for a time as we engaged in lively conversation with all of those who we'd missed. But once we had eaten, he brought his head closer to mine again, his breath fanning across the back of my neck. "What did you wish for?"

I opened my mouth and turned to look at him, but no sound left my lips as I was swept up in his electrifying gaze. He pressed his mouth against mine, a challenge in his eyes before he closed them. He tasted like chocolate, sweet and beautiful. I tried to savour our moment forever.

Eventually, we pulled apart to breathe and received a round of applause from the Shepherds. I blushed and covered my face, suddenly realising what we had done, but it only encouraged them to cheer more.

"Let's get this party started, lovebirds!" Flavia produced a large bottle of mead and filled up our glasses.

Maribelle fetched her violin, and Lissa encouraged everyone to get up and dance. Most of the Shepherds complied. Chrom and I stayed seated for as long as possible, taking pleasure in one another's company.

As we finally linked our hands together and got up, I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear.

A warm look came into his eyes once I'd finished speaking. "Don't worry. Your wish is my command."

I smiled. "Thank you." 

He gathered me into his arms, and I laughed as he spun me around. When he stopped, I reached up and stroked his cheek, then tilted his face towards mine and kissed him. Our lips moulded together as if we had been made for each other, and though I had defied destiny in the past, I knew that it had got one thing right.

When we pulled apart, I looked into his love-filled, sea blue eyes, the chemistry between us stronger than ever as we bared our souls to each other. And in that moment, even though I no longer had visions of the future, I knew that my wish would come true.

I wish for peace to forever remain in our kingdom, and for us to live happily ever after.


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