Chapter 28: Sibling Blades

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"Just as I thought: the turn-cloaks only made a show of opposing us," Say'ri said as we brought our horses back to a trot a little way from Fort Steiger. "We're clear of them. But Yen'fay's forces approach swiftly. It won't be long now."

"We should hasten south to meet them and distance ourselves from Walhart," I said. "This battle will be a challenge enough without the Conqueror breathing down our backs."

"That brings up another concern: the dynasts who betrayed us," Say'ri said. "They attacked us and let us go both because it suited their purpose. Should they attack us from behind as we battle Yen'fay, it would be an easy victory. They would curry favour with the empire without risk of injury. This is how they think."

"We cannot defend two fronts," Chrom said. "We'll need to choose our battlefield carefully."

We lapsed into silence, and my eyes drifted over the scenery around us. We were riding into a small valley, beautiful mountains rising high above us on both sides.

Expect one of them wasn't so beautiful.

I transferred my reins into one hand and touched Chrom's shoulder with the other, drawing his attention to me. Then I pointed towards the mountain in question, which was producing a thick pillar of black smoke. "Would that do?"

He looked at the mountain, then raised his eyebrows at me. When I kept a serious expression, he shook his head in amusement and turned to the Princess of Chon'sin. "Say'ri, that mountain – it's smoking, but I see no trees on it?"

"What...ah." Her eyes found what we'd been looking at. "That is no forest fire, sir. It's a volcano. Have you never seen one?"

Chrom and I exchanged sheepish glances, and my husband shrugged awkwardly at her.

She smiled. "That one is called the Demon's Ingle. It is known and feared by all people of Valm. Few dare even get close, lest they anger the wicked fire god."

Chrom turned to me with a thoughtful expression. "Robin? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I grinned. "Only if you're wondering how quickly we can reach the volcano."

"Go to the Demon's Ingle?" Say'ri frowned. "Do you know what you're saying?"

"I'm saying your opportunistic former friends wouldn't dare risk following us," I told her. "And we can use the flames as barriers to limit how your brother's army approaches."

"He will still come," Say'ri said. "His stubborn pride will force his hand." A slow, bemused smile spread across her face. "'Tis a risky plan, but I can devise none better. And you two seem to have a peculiar talent for performing miracles."


Many hours later, we had ridden part way up the volcano. I assumed that Yen'fay's army had already been marching in our general direction for several days, and that he would not be far behind the messenger who'd warned our troops of his impending arrival. I was soon proved to be correct.

I'd sent a squad of pegasus knights further down the volcano to scout, and it was just a few minutes before they were flying back to us again. A large army had been spotted marching towards us, flying black-and-purple standards. They may have been decorated in Walhart's coat of arms, but the colours made it clear: Yen'fay had found us. I could only hope that the forces we had sent northwards would keep the Conqueror himself away.

We prepared to battle for the second time that day. Our soldiers were tired but determined, and they set about it quickly.

Once we were in formation, we stood still and waited. We did not yell fierce battle cries like our opponents as they came further up the volcano. We did not brandish our weapons or move forwards. We let the smoke half conceal us like ghosts and maintained a deadly silence.

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