Chapter 3

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10 Years later...

I stood at the edge of a fair cliff, looking over the forest that had turned dark over years of the light being cast in different directions, avoiding the forest. I held a staff in my hand, waiting. Diaval was soon to be back. I had sent him to look over the now Queen Leah. She had married the King Stefan.

I watched as Diaval was flying back, wings beating evenly. He flew to me and shifted beside me.

"Well?" I asked, "What of her?"

"She and the King, they have had a daughter," He reported.

"When?" I asked, looking to him slightly.

"Just the other night, apparently," He said, "They are holding a ceremony for the child,"

"Really?" I asked.

"Oh no," He got out, "No, no, no, we are not,"

"Diaval," I said, and he sighed, shutting up, "We shall go. I mean," I chuckled, "What's a good celebration between old friends?"

He sighed through his nose again, "Alright,"

"Very good, now, when will it be held?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night," He said, and I nodded.

"Let's prepare ourselves then, shall we?" I asked, and he nodded, shifting and flying down as I headed down myself.

The day couldn't have quicker.

After casting my robes onto my self, I took my staff into my hand as Diaval stood beside me. I fixed up my collars.

"Maleficent, please, as your friend and servant, I beg you to think about what you are going to do," He begged me. I thought.

"Done. Now, let's go, shall we?" I asked, and he huffed, following after me.

I cleared the path out with a single spell, keeping pace with myself, knowing I had the time. Diaval shifted and flew above the trees. I watched as he did and smirked, shaking my head. He had his tricks, but I had my own. I held my staff in both hands in front of me as I continued walking. I said a spell and brought down the staff in front of me. I was gone in a cloud of smoke and I was in the village near the castle, hiding.

Once I had made it to the gates, armored guards were on the defense. I smirked and raised my hand, flying them back into the wall. They were knocked out instantly and I walked to the gates, getting through them and through the castle, Diaval flying in after me and resting on my shoulder.

"Easy, see?" I said, and he just shook his head, looking down opposite of me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I stopped outside the throne room, sending a single guard to sleep.

"I give her the gift of ever lasting beauty," I heard a woman, no, a fairy, say.

"I give her the gift of ever lasting love to every living creature," A heard a second say. I sensed magic coming from the room.

"I give her,"

Before the third could continue, I made the room go slightly darker, causing it to go quiet. I then came up in green flames in the middle of the throne room, guards, people, the three fairies and the King and Queen looking at me. I held my staff in one hand as Diaval landed back on my shoulder as the King stood.

"Maleficent," The Queen said, and I looked to her.

"Queen Leah," I said, "And King Stefan," I took a small bow, "What is this?" I looked around, "A ceremony held in your daughter's honor?" I looked to the crib holding the child, "I seem to have found my invitation lost,"

"You weren't invited in the first place, Maleficent," The fairy in pink said, and I looked to her as the other two held her back. They were small, human like, in dresses with wands and see through wings.

"Oh," I acted surprised, "Then I am to be at fault here, I apologize," I looked back to the King and Queen, "Excuse me," I went to leave, but stopped, "But, who am I to not also give the child a present?"

"No," The fairy in blue said, and I looked to them, flicking a wrist and sending them back.

"Yes the child will grow to beauty and be loved by all whom she meets," I said, stepping forward in a pace like fashion, "But, on her sixteen birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel," I could feel Diaval's pathetic pleading look as the King gave me an angered expression and the Queen was worried, "And die,"

"No," The Queen stood, and I cast the curse on the child, guards coming after me. I threw out my arms and they flew back and I chuckled, taking the edge of my cape like robe and pulling it around me, making me disappear in a blaze of fire. Diaval took off behind me.

The three fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, took aid to the Queen, who was sobbing. The King was going to send out his men to find Maleficent. Fauna looked back to the child.

"There still is one more gift," Flora said, and they all looked to Fauna. She looked back to them and nodded, going to the child.

"My gift to you, is that on your sixteenth birthday, you will not die by the point of a spinning wheel, but sleep. Sleep until true love finds you and with true loves kiss you will awaken," Fauna did what she could to relieve the worst part of the curse and the King and Queen stood by her.

"We've done what we can," Fauna said, looking at them.

"What do you suggest we do?" The King asked.

"Take her far from spinning wheels, burn them, all of them, but other than that, we don't know," Flora told them, "I am truly sorry,"

"Take her," The Queen said, and they all looked to her, "Take her far away from here, from him, and keep her safe," She looked at the fairies.

"Us? But, your majesty," Flora started.

"I trust you," The Queen told them, "Please, do what you can to keep her safe, we will do what we can here," Her eyes were watering, and she was in pain. Flora nodded.

"Yes, your highness," The three bowed and soon took custody of the child.

The fairies flew the child into a bright forest a distance from Maleficent's, taking refuge in a small cottage close to the lake the stream lead to. There they would raise her, Aurora.

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