Ice cream?

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Chapter 6:

Louis POV:


I did the only thing I could think of go and find....


I had to find Paisley, she'll know what to do.

I ran out the door before my mom asked me what I was doing.

I jumped into my car and drove to Paisleys.

As I was driving i started sing to the song that was on the radio...

"How can I be strong?

When everything is going wrong

Give me strength,

Help me to find my way...

I need to find my way

Yeah yeah yeah I need to I need to

I need to find my way..."

I jammed out. i love this song!


Soon I pulled into Paisleys driveway.

I got out of my car and walked to her door knocking..

*knock knock*

I waited nearly a minute when finally Paisleys brother opened the door.

He was a year older than me and he was considered

"Hey, Lou!" he said

"Hey, Mike!" i said back

"Whatcha need?" he asked

"Um, can i talk to Paisley?" i asked

"Yep..PAISLEY!" he yelled

We waited a couple seconds...awkward silence.. when she finally came down.

"Hey Louis!" she said

"Hey, can i talk too you?" i asked as Mike walked away

"Yeah sure!" she said

"Uh...Seth has bee blackmailing me.." I said

"What?" she asked in disbelief, really?

"Yeah he said to stay away from Cass or he will tell the whole school i like her..." i said

"Oh, Well do you?" she asks with a smirk and poked me in the cheek

"N-no." i said to quickly

"Sureee" she said and rolled her eyes

"What do you want me to do?" she asked

"Um, tell her?" i asked

"No... It's your with it!" she said

"Ugh, ill go talk to her...wanna come?" I asked

"No i'm grounded." she said

"Oh...well bye.." I said and walked away

Im going to DQ

~Cassandra's POV~

After I talked to Louis I went to the Seth's car.

"Hey babe!" he said as I sat down

"Hey!" I said

"Dq?" he asks


"Don't you need to go get money or something?" he asked

"No, I got some.."

We drove listening to the radio in silence

The good kind..i think..

~half hour later~

Dq was quite a ways away so it took a bit to get there and Seth had to stop at home so.

As we got there i got out and went inside.

"Babe, i'm running out to the car i forgot my wallet, ill be right back!" he said

"Can you grab my phone?" i asked

"Yeah.." he said and walked out

~Seth's POV~

"Can you grab my phone?" Cassandra asks

"Yeah.." I say and walk out

I go out to the car and unlock it i open the door and grab my wallet.

When I heard a noise. it was her phone going off

I picked it up and looked at it..

Call from: LOU BEAR!!!!! :)

I answered

"Hello?" I said quietly

"Cass, I need to talk to you, now! I know your out with your boyfriend but, please?" he asked

"Cassandra's not here right now sorry, oh wait no I'm the e-mail!" i said and hung up

I deleted all the evidence of him phoning and went back inside and handed her the phone.

~Cassandra's POV~

When Seth gave me my phone back I had already ordered my ice cream.

"What took you so long?" i asked

"Couldn't find my wallet!" he said

"Oh, ok" I said


We were getting ready to go when I heard a familiar voice...


I quickly wrote this it deleted most of it when I was at the part where Lou goes to Paisleys lol

I didn't get 1 comment but I got 1 vote good enough!!


also I decided to do a thing where ill ask a question you answer

Q: whats your favourite member of 1D? hard i know!

But yeah so bye

-Hannah's hip hurts

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