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Chapter 15:

Cassandra's POV:

It was the day i was moving. yep i was going to England. to live for 3 years.

Paisley was here, she had helped me get stuff into the loading truck. but it had left with my stuff to take there. i was taking a plane.

"We had better go to the airport." said Paisley sadly

"Okay.." I said

"Me and Kyle will come visit next month!" she said

"Yay!" I said and hugged her for the 100th time probably

Yes her and Kyle were still together. Kyle is very sweet and seems to really like her so I'm happy for her.

"I'm glad your starting your life!" she said

"Me to." I said

"We better go now." she said changing the subject

"Alright." I said as we walked to my car

I got in and buckled up. ready.

I had already said goodbye to my parents and spent the night at they're place yesterday.

~45 minutes later~

I was at the airport waiting for my flight. i was sitting all alone when I remembered I was leaving home, a tear slipped down my cheek. but than my flight was here.

I whipped away my tears and stood up grabbing my stuff and leaving. i walked to the lady giving her my ticket, and went in.

I sat down for 10 minutes than we took off.

I fell asleep instantly, I must be tired from packing.





A couple hours later we arrived in England, I was off the plane and saw a man holding a sign that read 'Cassandra Gale' I walked over to him and said,

"Hello, my names Cassandra." I said

"Hello, nice to meet you, I have been told to take you to Mr. Simon Cowel." he said

"Oh ok, I'm ready." I said gesturing to my bag

"Alright let's go?" he asked

"Sure." i said and grabbed my bags

We walked through the airport and to the other end and left.

He walked me over to a black taxi,

"This is our Taxi ma'am." he said in a British accent

"Ok." I said I put my bags in the trunk and got in.

About a half an hour later we finally arrived at this 'Simon Cowel's house.

I got out and grabbed my bags, i thanked the man and he left.

I walked up to the big house and knocked.

A man sorta dressed up answered the door.

"Hello, I'm Simon, you must be Cassandra. right?" he asked

"Um yes." I said

"Come on in, I'll call the boys." he said and turned around i walked in and sat on the couch, this is a huge house.

I heard mumbling so i turned around and saw 2 boys, on with blonde hair and blue eyes and another with blackish hair and deep brown eyes, they were pretty attractive. i thought.

"Hello love, I'm Niall." the blonde one said

"Hi, I'm Cassandra." I said

"Nice to meet you." he said

"I'm Zayn." the boy with blackish hair said

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at him he smiled back

(A/N. I wrote a bunch but I lost it. :((()

~1 hour later~

"We're home!" I heard someone yell

"We're in here!" Niall yelled back

Two boys walked in one with curly hair and one with strait hair.

"He- who's this?" the curly haired boy asked

"This is Cassandra, our new hair dresser." said Niall

"Oh, hello love i'm Harry." the one with curly hair said

"Im Liam." the boy with strait hair said kindly

"Hello, nice to finally meet you!" I said

Harry and Liam smiled and sat down

"So is this all of you?" I asked

"No, the last band member is sick so maybe you can meet him another day maybe we can all hangout one day!" said Liam

"Oh ok that sounds great!" i said

After discussing some stuff and watching a movie I decided to go to my new house!

"Well thanks for having me over and it was nice meeting you!" i said

"You too bye!" they all said

"Bye" was all i said before walking out the door and getting into the limo the boys Simon had set to take me home.

My mum and dad gave me money to buy a new car so I might do that sometime this month.

After a 10 minute drive i finally got to my new house. it was small-for a new couple-but I liked it.

There was already furniture and stuff in the house (Simon paid for) all i had to do was unpack 10 boxes. it was 4:30 so when I'm done ill order a pizza or something.


About a half hour later I was done and had already ordered my pizza. it was a small pizza so I'd have leftovers.

I walked over to my new tv and sat down, it was so nice to be in England be in my own place have a new job and just be starting my life this is what I should be worrying about not having a relationship.

Also when I was at Simons house i got the boys numbers.

I turned on the tv and started flipping through channels searching for something good to watch than i saw Dance Moms, i put it on I loved to dance, it was really fun.

Just then I heard the doorbell ring, pizza!

I quickly grabbed the money off the counter i had left out so I wasn't rushing to find money.

I opened the door to find a guy around my age dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Here's your pizza!" he said happily

"Here's your money!" I said back

"Thanks, have a nice day." he said before turning to leave

"You too." I said before closing the door

Tonight is me night and ill workout tomorrow!

After 2 movies, 3 pieces of pizza, 1 bag of chips and 2 cans of pop i decided to go to bed. I was tired and it was like 12:48 AM

I went to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth put my hair in a ponytail and put on pjs i laid down in my bed and went to sleep.


Sorry I haven't updated in soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooøoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Long!!!!!!! :((((( sorry I exaggerate a lot.

But hope you enjoy it's not perfect and literally did it over 3 times!!!! gah, :p

-Hannah is tired again....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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