Chapter 11

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Zoey POV: I am really nervous i don't know why but i have been enjoying doing gymnastics and now it is a big competition to see who will be the top 3 for olympics in a 2 years and i got to say i really want to be one of the top 3. As we were waiting for competion to begin people started arriving and i saw my brothers and friends here it made me smile but no sign of mum or dad we were allowed to go talk to people before it started so i decided to go see my brothers i asked them where mum and dad were and they said i don't know that made me sad but i couldn't show it i just nod my head and went back to the coach for more talk the coach was saying that he is very proud of everyone and stuff but we all know top 3 would be the ones been her for longest which is Kayleigh, Becca and Amber. Kayleigh and Becca are nice to talk to and welcomed me into gymnastics but Amber didn't and she is a bigger bitch since jake broke up with her at lunch she thinks i shouldn't be trialing for this because i havn't been training here long enough but i am going to try no matter what.

First up for us all was the floor it was laways my favourite to do we each had a turn and the crowd was cheering, i had my turn and the boys was standing up clapping really loud which was embarrassing but i got use to it, next was the beam i always found this challenging but i passed it but i am coming fourth Amber is just beating me by a little bit. Amber took her turn on bars straight after kayleigh and Becca but Amber fell it was a shock for all of us she could of easily kept her grip but i didn't mind at the moment it means i have a better chance of making 3rd. I took my turn and i think i did it flawlessly and i got ahead of Amber but i can't make a mistake if i want to stay third which i really do. It was time for a break so i went got water then talked to the boys for a few minutes then get chalk for last few events.

Zane - You are doing so good he siad as he hugged me

Bennie - You better beat Amber you are way better

Zoey - Aww thanks bennie i said as i hugged him

blake - You are making us all proud you know

Zoey - I know but why aren't mum and dad here?? i asked

Zane - We tried to contact them but we couldn't im sorry Zoe

Zoey - it's fine don't worry

Anthony - Kepp going like that anjd you will go to olympics as top 3 he said

Nate - Zoey going to be in olympics he nudged me which caused me to giggle

Brendan - Whats your next event?

Zoey - Umm I think it's Vault and thats it

Jake - You're going to do great

Zoey - Hopefully well i better get back talk to yous after.

I walked over towards the rest of the team but i got stopped by Amber

Amber - No parents here to support you maybe they don't want to see their unsuccessful kid lose

Zoey - My parents are busy you snob i hissed

Amber - Right i think they just don't care about you they are never home i spent everyday with jake while you were gone we were at your house no parents at all what is that about??

Zoey - You don't know what you are talking about i am going to beat you out of 3rd place so watch out

After that i walked off Amber was talking to others while i stretched for one of my two vaults i suck at vault always the hardest for me but i just need to get them perfect and everything will be fine i thought to myself. Everyone was up and Amber was ahead by just a little i just need to do one vault perfect to be in top 3, i got ready i was focussed on the vault the measurements needed to be change but i didn't know that oh well my first vault i thought to myself i could hear cheering from the side i started running and flipped but i didn't make it instead my thighs hit the vault as my head area hit the ground but i didn't black out i wa sin so much pain i felt tears in my eyes but didn't scream or anything i could hear people gasping and people trying to get to me, i could hear my coach trying to talk to me

Coach - Zoey, Zoey can you hear me

Zoey - No ambulance, i'm not knocked out i siad quietly

Coach - can you feel this does it hurt?? he said as he squeezed my thigh

Zoey - yes hurt

Coach - Hurt is better then no hurt, can you move hands and feet he asked i did what i was told

Coach - Okay lets put her on a stretcher waiting for medics, hold her head

Zoey - No ambulance i said again but they ignored me and took me into the office i could hear them moving on with rest of everyones final vaults while i am stuck in a room when i am fine.

Intercom - The top 2 people in Kayleigh and Becca for top 3 of the club the 3rd will be decided after Amber last vault

Zane - Look just relax we will get you to hospital my brother said as i was lying on the couch

Zoey - I don't want to go to hospital i want to go to nationals for olympics

Zane - I am sorry Zoe, we will get you better for next year how about that? he asked

Zoey - Whats the point?? nothing gets better next year

Zane - This was kind of a long shot Zoey wasn't it??

Zoey - Are you saying i should give up i asked angrily at my brother

Zane - I don't know what to say, tell me what you need???

Zoey - This is my shot, tell me i can do this

Zane - Are you kidding you can do anything you want, but it's the vault you are hurt already

Coach - Zoey the ambulance is here

Zane - Are you okay? tell me the truth

Zoey - yah

Zane - You can do this he said as i hugged him stood up and went back to finish the vault

Coach - No Zoey, Zoey sit down

Zoey - get out of ym way or you will have to deal with my brothers

Zane - I would get out of her way he said as the coach let me pass and follow behind me as long as my brother while everyone else is waiting, I walked up to the judges and asked for my second vault, i explained how i am fine and they asked if i am sure and i said i was now i got the chance for my second vault.

Zoey - I am going to set the board myself this time i said as i got the right measurements, and walked to starting area, as soon as i was ready i started running i could see everyone standing up and i ran and flipped and this time i made it!. Their was all this cheering and clapping i felt so happy but the best bit of this was i came third i beat Amber i came third i am one of top 3 for the club!!!

I ran over to my friends and brothers and jumped in excitement then towards the other girls with the coach.

Amber - I can't believe this i ahve been training at this gym for 5 years, i have been in the top 3 for 2 years this is my life she hissed

Coach - And you will go fourth, congradulation girls get some rest and see all of you bright and early 5am tomorrow we all nodded our heads and left with our family.

Blake - I can't believe my sister came third congradulations Zoey he said as he picked me up and spun me around

Zoey - I can't believe it either but i am so glad  i said with a sight, thank you Zane for letting me compete still

Zane - Your welcome now lets go home and celebrate aye??

Jake - Definetly for our lil gymnastics princess aye he said with a wink which caused me to blush

 Zoey - I am no were near a princess but thanks guys i said with a smile as we all headed back to my place.

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