Chapter 13

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Jake POV: It is friday and we havn't heard from Zoey since last week, all week me and the guys have had practices for the big game and let me just say it has been the worst practices that we have done, none of us could concentrate on the game as much as we wanted to we were worried about Zoey. i miss seeing Zoey around, her parents left when their sons yelled at them for no being around for Zoey or any of them which i wouldn't blame them going off at their parents like they arrive in town for a day then leave the next and they only tell their kids what's going wrong in their life like reports card or not being team captain that's the only thing they care about.

Jake - Have you guys heard from Zoey? i asked

Zane - Nah we thought one of you guys might have but nothing

Blake - She won't turn up tonight will she?

Bennie - She hasn't been here all week i don't think she will show up just for a stupid game

Cameron - I don't care if she turns up or not i just want to know she is safe he said which everyone agreed to as we walked to practice before the big game.

Becca POV: I need to get in contact with Zoey she will come to game knowing the guys aren't playing their best when sghe knows the best they play, she will be the one perosn to get them all out of the slumps and win the final game of the season. I started calling her but she didn't answer, so i texted her which also didn't get replys but soon enough she finally answered a phone call.

Zoey - Becca whats up?? she asked

Becca - Oh you know trying to contact you so you can help our team

Zoey - What do you mean??

Becca - Zoey ever since you left the boys havn't been playing rugby as good it was like you were their inspiration, seriously we need you hear at the final game please do it for all of us i begged

Zoey - Okay i am on my way have they started??

Becca - Umm yah and we are already losing

Zoey - Shit umm okay well i will be their by half time, don't tell them i am coming but i do need a favour from you

Becca - Okay what is it??

Zoey - Well Jake is doing the half time show with Amber right?

Becca - Yah why??

Zoey - Can i replace Amber, since it will help show the boys i am there when half time on so hopefully it might get them to play better

Becca - I will see what i can do, see you then

Zoey - K bye she said

At least Zoey will arrive sometime justh opefully we won't be losing by to much by half time but from looks of it we will be losing quite a bit. Soon when the game was about to stop for half time and i was near the stage i hear someone shout Becca over and over again and i soon saw Zoey running towards me with her cheerleading outfit on and everyhting i can't believe she made it yay i thoguht to myself as i bought her into a hug and asked her if she was alright and she said she fine and stuff.

Becca - You know what songs you are singing right??

Zoey - Nope please tell sinc ei am going on soon

Becca - First song in One Republic Counting Stars you will be coming in on the chorus which will suprise everyone okay? and the second song i changed it to trouble maker i said with a huge grin

Zoey - good songs this will be fun, i better get near stage remember don't tell the guys see ya after the show. she said as she dissapeared

Soon the guys was heading near where i was i don't think they noticed Zoey which is good, soon we started talking for few mintues just before the half time show started as the song played and Jake wa sthe only one on the stage and about to start Cameron realised Amber was near them instead near stage which he raised few questions with the others.

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