Chapter 12

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Zoey POV: Me and the guys arrived home and were talking really loudly I couldn't stop smiling I made it in top 3 and in few weeks their it nationals and I I make it on the national team I go to the Olympics!!!, we entered the house and saw that my parents were waiting in the kitchen looking pretty pissed off i don't know what it is about but shouldn't i be the one pissed of my parents didn't show up to gymnastics for support but yet they are home when we just go back from gymnastics they better have a good excuse. My parents called me and my brothers into the kitchen while the rest of the guys went into the lounge and try and distract themselves.

Dad - Where were all of uses today??

Blake - We were all at the gymnastics competion to support Zoey

Dad - You guys should be practicing your sport instead of wasting your time on gymnastics which won't get her far

Zoey - What??!!! i shrieked

Dad - Are you done with those sports yet and going back to rugby??

Zoey - No dad i am not done with gymnastics if you actually came and support me for once you would of seen i was good

Mum - Honey i am sure everyone was good but you have been playing rugby longer she said

Zane - Mum and Dad she was good today she going to nationals as one of top 3 in the club he hissed

Dad - Did you get first??

Zoey - No i came third but i don't care it was good enough for me

Mum - Dear that isn't good you should of at least came second then next time you would have had a better chance of getting first

Zoey - I can't believe this you don't support gymnastics but you support the guys playing rugby or anything else why can't you support me at something i actually really love

Dad - Because it's not a career for you

Zoey - Ypu have no decision in this i said as i walked out of the kitchen, all guys were staring at me they obviously heard everything

Mum - Zoey we are trying to do whats best for you

Zoey - Do you want to know what would be best for me right now? I think what best for me and everyone in this stupid family is for me to leave i yelled as i ran up to my room and packed a few essentials, at same time i could hear my brothers fighting my parents i just have to get out of here for a bit just until my parents leave again at least like they always do, i grabbed my wallet and keys from my room and started running down stairs and towards the front door i got out the door easily without anyone noticing i got to my car put my stuff in and i was about to drive away when i saw Jake, Nate, Anthony and Brendan blocking my way from driving and my parents and brothers coming out of the house.

Jake - Zoey you can't just leave he said

Zoey - Yes i can i don't want to be anywhere near those people called my parents that don't support me what kind of parents do that, they are never here and when they are they only care about rugby which is all your sport so go ahead get all along with happy family you guys are to each other but not me i don't belong i said as i started the engine

Dad - If you leave now you are never coming back he yelled out

Zoey - I don't care you're not my parents i yelled back as i started driving away which got all the boys to quickly move out of my way.

As i drove away i couldn't turn back i had to get away from here and i know where i was going i went to this lake house that my grandparents gave to me in their will, they died a few years ago and that what caused my parents to leave me behind they blame me for their death well i think everyone does, it was ages ago i always got along with my grandparents i spent my weekends with them all time as i grew up but one night it was raining and we were going out to dinner just us 3 only because i got in a fight with Bennie but that night as we were driving i got scared of the lighting and my grandma was comforting me as i hid under a blanket in back seat she kept turning around making sure i was okay and i think my grandad the one who was driving the car turned around for a few seconds to make sure i was okay as well but in those seconds we crashed into another car my grandparents died instantly while i was crying in back seat scared even more, i was taken to hospital and my dad couldn't look at me it was his parents that died and he blamed me ever since and my mum was his sheep, my brothers didn't talk to me for a while but they talked to me again after a few weeks but they never really got over it and neither did i. As soon as i arrived i just went up to bed i couldn't be bothered eating anything but first i checked my messages from the guys.

Bennie - Zoey come back mum and dad didn't mean it you know what they are like

Zane - Please come back they will be gone soon and you know that

Blake - Stay with one of the guys or Becca come on you can't just disapear from us we are your family

Becca - Zoey stay with me if you want i heard what happened everyone is very worried just contact us saying you are fine

Nate - Are you alright your parents are just dicks

Anthony - Will you come back? we are worried we want to celebrate but you just dissapeared

Brendan - Zoey, zoey zoey zoey zoey zoey zoey come backkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cameron - We love you come back

Jake - You deserve better then those people that are your parents, you don't need to make them proud you have made all your friends and brothers proud today please come back and let me know that you are okay.

I message them all back saying I am fine but thats it i am not saying when i am coming back, or where i am no one knows where this place is so thats a good thing.

Jake POV: She left she just left because how her parents didn't support something she was truly good and loved what kind of messed up parents do that seriously, yes she plays rugby but doesn't mean she can't do anything else like serious who does that to their kid saying to give up on something they love fuck no she is dissapeared i really hope she turns up for the final game of rugby next week i really want her their she is my good luck charm i feel like i can win or do anything when she is near me but now i have no idea where she went or if she will come back sometime and it's all her fucking parents fault, she says she is fine but that is more physical but with emotional i have no idea.

Jake - Why would you say that to your only daughter?? i yelled and her mum and dad

Mum - Don't talk to us like we don't care of course we care that's why she should go back to rugby

Jake - She was good at gymnastics what is wrong with you, as parents you think you could support her but no you couldn't do that

Dad - She doesn't deserve support

Jake - And why the fuck not?? i yelld

Dad - She is the reason for my parents death he barked

Zane - That is not true, it is not her fault that they died in that crash

Blake - You blame her all these years when it's an accident

Bennie - You both can just go back to your job, we are all perfectly fine living on our own just me, Blake, Zane and Zoey we grew up without you guys for more then 5 years so we definetly don't need you now he hissed.

Mum - Don't talk to us like we are not your parents

Zane - You aren't you havn't been for years, you guys might as well go back to your jobs while we pick up the pieces you just broke. he said as his parents went back to their jobs.

jake - You guys okay??

Bennie - Yah we are fine we just hope Zoey comes back soon she will just need sometime.

Jake - Okay, well will she be at the final game next week?

cameron - She should be their to support us right?

Blake - She wouldn't miss it well hope not

Becca - So Jake i heard that you and Amber have to do the half time performance this year

Jake - Yah sadly

Zane - Aww come on man i am sure you will have a good time singing with Amber maybe you will get back together

Nate - haha i doubt it Jake has a certain eye on someone don't you he said winking at me

Jake - Dude shut up

Blake - Now now you have to tell us

Jake - Nah maybe some other time

Bennie - Whatever the school week going to be long before the game comes

Jake - It will go past quickly

Zane - Depends

Cameron - Depends on what?

Blake - Will Zoey come back this week he answered for Zane which got us all thinking will she even turn up to school

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