Chapter 5

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A couple of hours has past and there is still no sign of my dad and brothers. So I decide to go on Twitter and I notice I have a notification.

Ethan Dolan follows you.

Holy cow! Ethan followed me, I still can't believe that I never knew him and his brother have a YouTube channel. So I follow him back and seconds later I have a messege from him.

From Ethan Dolan:
Hey can I come round and hang? X

From Jordy Royal:
Yeah sure see you soon X

He didn't reply. Is he on his way? I look at the time at it's 2:00pm. I don't even know where he stays. I decide to call Claire.

"Hey Claire. Ethan is coming over. What do I do?"

"O.M.G look hun be cool. Don't do anything stupid"

"It's me, of course I'm going to do something stupid"

"Play hard to get"

"What? I have already snogged him"

"Holy shit did you? Well then hard to get is out the window"

"No shit. What do I do. I don't want to sleep with him. Well not yet anyway"

"No one is asking for you too sleep with him. Just be yourself it will work out"

"Okay hun I will. I better go he will be here soon"
We say goodbye and I promised I phone her once he left. About 20 minutes went by and there was a knock at my door. I answered it and it was Ethan.

"Hey" I said shyly.

"Hi nice to see you have clothes on" he said with a smirk. Oh god that was embarrassing. I invite him in and we both sit on the couch.

"I didn't know that you and your brother had a YouTube channel" I said quietly not making eye contact.

"Yeah we have been doing it for a while now" he replied.
We sit in silence for a few minutes. I don't know what to say to him. I have had a crush on him forever and I can't believe he is sitting beside me or that he has asked me to prom.

"You excited for prom?" He asks me.

"Yeah definitely" I giggle still not making eye contact.
He places his hand on my hands. I look up to him and he is staring at me.

"You have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen" he said and I blush insanely. He leans in kisses me really gently. He pulls away ever so slightly and leans in again. The kiss becomes more heated and before I know it we are making out. After a few minutes we pull apart by banging at the door.
Who's this?

I go and open the door and it's my dad.

"This isn't a good time" I said a little awkwardly.

"I don't give a shit pack your things your coming with me"

"How dare you come and bang on my door....." he cuts me off.

"Don't start. Sam told me you want to hunt. So get your things! We are going hunting"

"Like I said this isn't a good time" I said through gritted teeth. My dad was about to say something when he sees Ethan coming behind me.

"Who are you?" Ethan asks.

"I'm her father. Who the fuck are you" my dad said nearly shouting.

"I'm Ethan. Jordy's boyfriend. I have heard a lot about you. You walked out on her." Wait....what.....boyfriend? And how did he know about my dad?
Oh Claire.

"Excuse me son but that is none of your business. Please give me some privacy with my daughter" dad said with a stern voice.

"No dad I think you should leave. I have told you that this isn't a good time so please get off my door step"

"If you want in. You will be giving him up. Him and Claire. So who is it going to be. Your Dad or your friends?" My dad said staring at me intently. I think about what he said. Give up Ethan and Claire. Give up on school. Prom. College. A normal life.
"Well?" Dad said.

"My friends" I said quietly and dad's face pales.
"I choose my friends. I would rather die than give up on them" I close the door in his face and turn to Ethan. He pulls me in for a hug, and I have just realised I have no mum, no dad, no family here to support me. What am I going to do? My life is never going to be normal again.
It's time to figure out what this half Angel thing is all about.

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