Chapter 8

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Sam runs over to the body while I stand there like a idiot.

"He's dead" Sam said. Oh my god. Tears start to roll down my face. What have I done

"Well maybe your a Winchester after all" Dean said as he stood up.

"You think this is funny. I have just killed a man" I say to him.

"No you have killed a Werewolf. He was not human. Not anymore."
Oh God. Tears are still rolling down my face when I hear a voice behind me.

"Jordy?" I spin around and it was Ethan.
"What's going on?" He asked.

" bumped into my brothers and we came in here to find you, Claire and Grayson when we found this man dead." I said. He walks over to me.

"Your a terrible liar" he said with a smirk. Oh I'm a better liar than you think, I thought.

"These are my we did find this man" I say stuttering a bit.

"Jordy?" he said looking a little worried.

"It was us. We found him Jordy walked in. Wrong place, Wrong time" Sam said to Ethan.

"Who set the fire alarm off?" Ethan asks.

"Um I I thought it would be romantic." I lie. He looks at me intently. Oh god please believe me.

"Ok.. if you say so" he said and he takes my hand and we walk outside. I look back to Sam and Dean and they are looking at me.

When we arrive outside Claire comes running over to me.

"Jordy where did you go? Look at my dress some idiot pulled the fire alarm." Claire said looking annoyed.

"Oh yeah that was me?" I said looking down at the floor.
"I thought it would be romantic" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"God sakes Jordy. I'm soaked! Let's just go to the hotel" Claire yelled. And her and Grayson walked back into the school. Moments past and they come out with there bags. Claire brought mine and Grayson brought Ethans.

*30 minutes later*

We arrive at the hotel and we check into our rooms. I say night to Claire and Grayson and we close our doors.

"So you gonna tell me the truth about what happened at the school" Eth blurts out.

"Um....I already told you. Wrong place wrong time" I say not making eye contact.

"Cut the crap Jordy. Tell me the truth" he said.

"You won't believe me" I look up to him and my eyes start to fill with tears.

"Try me"

"You will leave me if I tell you"

"Did you murder the guy?"

"Um....It's complicated"

"Please tell me what's going on"
You know what I'm sick of lying.

"Remember when I got hammered at the club about a month ago?" He nods at me.
"Well I remember everything and it was all true"

"What monsters under my bed are real?" Eth chuckles a bit.

"Well....Demons, Angels,Vampires, Werewolfs. God knows what else. They are all real and my dad and brothers hunt them and save people. That guy in the hall he was a Werewolf and I killed him with my abilities"

"Wait...what abilities?" Ethans face looks shocked.

"I'm half Angel"
Ethan faces pales and he giggles a bit.

"Your half Angel?" He said, and tears start to roll down my cheek.

"Yes, my mum left cause she had to go back to heaven. There is some sort of 'war' going on. My dad is ment to be looking after me until she gets back. Those guys in the hall are my brothers. I'm so sorry Ethan I don't know what to say" I take a deep breath and I can't stop crying. Ethan is staring at me not saying a word.
"Say something" I said I'm getting really worried he is going to run. He is going run and tell everyone and I'm going to be a laughing stock.

"What abilities do you have?" He asks finally.
I look towards the lamp. I put my hand up and the feeling starts in my fingers. The lamp starts to turn off and on. I then look at a candle thats on the night stand and I make it set light. I then look to the pillows and I make them float in the air.
After a few minutes I stop. I start to breath heavy and my head hurts. I look to Ethan who is standing there not saying anything his face was unreadable.

"Ethan if you want to leave I understand. It's a lot to take in but please Ethan I do love you" I say to him. Then a small smile appears on his face.

"Jordy. You are the whole package aren't you. I love you so much. I said I don't want to leave you and I mean it. Yeah it's a lot to take in but I will get through it. Your half Angel for god sake that is amazing" he said and I'm speachless.

"Are you seriously ok with this?" I asked a little confused.

"Of course."

"God I love you"


I run up to him and we make out for a bit. I love him so much. I can't believe he is ok with this.

Thanks mum.

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