Chapter 35 - LAST CHAPTER

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Here we go.

"Well we got told you wanted to talk to us" Dean said bluntly.

"Yeah well I never asked you to come it was Claire" I said in a snappy tone.

"That's enough you too. You are both acting like spoilt children!" Sam yells and Dellila starts crying. I walk over and pick her up.

"Shhhh. Shhhh that's a good girl come on go back to sleep" I said quietly and sat back down on the couch rocking her back and forth until she fell back to sleep.
"Can you not raise your voice please. She didn't sleep well last night"

"What's her name?" Sam asks.

"Dellila Bailey Dolan" I said still looking at my baby.

"That's a lovely name." Dean said and my eyes shot up to him. He actually said something nice.

"Yeah her middle name was named after her Uncle Grayson." I reply with a smile.
We sit there in silence for a while after about 5 minutes I stood up to put the little one back in her mosses basket.

"Can I hold her?" Sam asks. I was really hesitant at first but I nod, and hand her to Sam. He held her very carefully. It looked like he was trying not to break her.
"She's beautiful.... She looks so much like you" Sam said and I smile.

"Thank you" I giggle. I didn't know what else to say. I look over to Dean and he has his head down.
"You can hold too if you want?" I said to him and he slowly put his head up. Sam moves his arms and seconds later Dellila is in Dean's arms. We sat there in silence for another few minutes.

"Has she got any powers like you?" Dean asks breaking the silence.

"Not sure yet. I mean she is only 4 months old so we will soon find out" I reply. I'm never going to keep it a secret about me being half Angel. I don't want to end up like my mum.

"What about hunting? Have you done anymore of that?" Sam asks.

"No. After what happened with Dad I stopped talking to my mum, I haven't seen her in a year and I have quit hunting for a while. I just wanted to focus on my family and not bring anything supernatural to my door step" I reply.

"What about us? We are your family to" Dean said.

"Dean your the one that said you didn't want to look after a brat. I mean you blamed me for dad's death"

"Jordy I didn't mean.... " I cut Dean off.

"It's OK I blame myself too."

"But I'm the one that pulled the trigger" Dean's voice was shallow. He got up and put Dellila in her basket and went and sat back down.

"Dean I shouldn't of said that. I didn't mean it" I said and my voice was equally shallow.

"Do you know what he said to me when you got dragged away?" I shook me head.
"He said that he was proud of me and that he loves me. He then said look out for Sammy and you. He said that you will both need me... " he trailed off. I felt a massive lump form in my throat.

"Dean, Sam I'm sorry for everything. For coming into your life, for causing you hassle...... For not saving dad...." my voice broke and I stared to cry. Sam came over and gave me a hug.

"You don't need to apologise. I never ment those things I said to you. It was not your fault." Dean said. I pull out of Sam's reach and stood up. Dean stood up at the same time and we both hug. Then Sam stands up and we are in a small group hug. We stand there for god knows how long when eventually someone walks into the living room. We all look up to see it's Ethan.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I steal our daughter?" Ethan asks with a smile on his face.

"Yeah of course" I laugh at him wiping away my tears. Today Ethan is taking her to see his mum then bringing her back here to do the lanterns. Eth walks over and picks her up and he is away. Me, Sam and Dean all sit back on the couch and talk for hours about everything I mean we basically have 18 years to catch up on.

*Skips to 10pm*

I said to Sam and Dean they can stay and they said yes. I also invited Bobby, even Castiel showed up.
We all went outside, I was holding Dellila so Ethan had to do my lantern. Grayson and Claire and one between them and Sam and Dean had one each and Bobby and Cas had one between them. We light the laturens and throw them in the air.
We stood there and watch them go higher and higher.

"Thank you Dad. For everything" I said and we all stood there for another 10 minutes watching the lanterns go up. I suddenly felt like someone was watching me, I look to my left and I see a firmalr figure. It's Dad! I nudge Dean and Sam and they look to where I'm looking. Then all of a sudden Dad disappeared. The three of us looked at each other while the others are still looking up to the sky.
We knew that it was definitely Dad and he is still watching over us and still protecting his children.

I'm glad I have everyone here. My 2 brothers. My best friends. A random Angel. A drunken old guy. And my Dad.

And from now on I know you don't have to be blood related to be family.

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