Chapter 24

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I wake up and my body was still a little sore. I open my eyes slightly and look up to Ethan who is already wide awake.

"Hi" he said.

"Hi how long have you been up" I ask shyly.

"Couple of hours" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Why didn't you wake me"

"You looked peaceful" he gave me a small smile and I blush.
"Why are you blushing Ariel" he asks and it makes me blush more.

"Cause your embarrassing me" I said and cover my face with my hands. Ethan slowly pulls them away and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

"What you guys been up to?" he hear a voice. We look up and we see Claire in the doorway and I just realise me and Ethan are both naked lying under the covers.

"Claire get out!" I yell.

"Calm down Jordy but you better get ready we will be leaving soon" and then she leaves. We get up and get dressed. There was a wardrobe already full of clothes. Not stuff we usually wear but it will do for now. Ethan is wearing grey trousers and a white shirt and I wear a floral blouse and pale blue jeans.

"Who else knows about your name" Ethan asks while we walk out the door and head to the main room.

"Well apart from my mum and dad. Just Claire" I reply.

"But why the nickname Jordy?"

"I don't know. I wanted a more normal name I guess. It was Claire who gave me the nickname"
We reach the main room and everyone is already dressed and having breakfast, me and Eth take a seat and we talk through the plan for today.

"Skips to 3:20pm"

The book club starts in 10 minutes and I'm so nervous. Our plan is that when Claire is at the front I have to seek through the back and the boys stay in the car.
Claire starts to walk to the front door and I run through to the back.
When I arrive at the backdoor I try to open it but it's locked. I look around and I see a bedroom window was open. I grab the pipe that's attached to the side of the house and I climb.
When I finally reached the window, I climb in very quietly. I start to walk down the stairs and stop midway and sit down really quietly. The door was slightly open and I can hear faint talking.

"Right girls we have a new young women joining us, her name is Claire so treat her nicely" a women is saying I can't see her face.

"Yes hi everyone" Claire said.

"Right sweeties turn to chapter 17" I hear the same women speak and I know it's Colette.
Right here we go I feel the tingaling through my whole body and suddenly I went numb. I can feel my shield touching something and I know it's Claire. I start to listen on the conversation again.

"You know what why don't we skip the book today and just get on with the good stuff" I hear Colette say.

"I'm sorry what are you talking about?" Claire said. It was silent for a few minutes.
"Oh God!" I hear Claire yell, I didn't move I know she's not hurt as I'm shielding her.

"You see that hunni this can be you. You can have this power" Colette said and moments later a pig comes through to the hallway. What the fuck? I listen in again and I hear a girl laughing.

"Looks like we have another visitor" the girl said. Then all of a sudden I got thrown into the living room right into a book shelf. I feel my shield fade. I quickly stood up and looked to Colette.

"Hello Jordy" she said and gave me a smile. I didn't say anything to her I just stared at her.
"Is this your friend?" she looks to Claire. Then she puts her hand up and pinned Claire to the wall. Fuck!

"Jordy run!" Claire yells and I can see Colette was sucking the life out of her. I start the feeling in my body and once again I go numb. Claire suddenly drops to the floor barley breathing but I stay still. I'm scared if I move my shield will go down. I look back to Colette.

"You can't hurt us now you bitch. So I suggest you go back to hell" I said with a stern voice, and she just stands there giving my a small smile. Then she gives me a unreadable stare. All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my stomach then the pain moves to my head, then all over my body. I fall to the ground and try to move back. All the other witches are staring and laughing at me.

"You stupid girl. Don't you know" I look up to her with tears rolling down my face the pain was unbearable.
"When you are shielding someone else. Yours is down" her voice sounded cocky.
Holy cow! Why didn't no one tell me. I look over to Claire and she pulls out the gun she had in the waistband of her jeans and she shoots at Colette.

Colette falls to the floor and the pain stops. Claire runs over to me and grabs my arm putting it around her shoulder. The other 3 witches tried to stop her with there powers but I was still shielding her. I put my hand out and the tingaling was so intense I knock all 3 witches back and all the windows smash. Colette stands back up.

"Your gonna wish you never done that" she puts her hand out to me again and the pain starts up. It was unbearable. Claire shoots at her again but this time it didn't affect her. Blood started to form in my mouth. I spit some of it out, I couldn't breath. Suddenly all the boys bursts through the door and Colette disappeared into thin air. I collapse onto the floor and I hear Dean yell.

"NOOOOO!" and everything went black.

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