Chapter 1

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Chpt 1

I looked down at my watch. It's late. Really late. I'm never home this late. It's 1:30 in the morning. My family must be worried sick. Especially my wife.

I hate when they worry. I hate when my wife worries. I hate not getting to sit down and enjoy dinner with my family. I hate not getting to kiss my wife goodnight. I hate the fact that my stupid phone got knocked off of the counter and into the toilet.

I haven't gotten it fixed yet, so she had no way of getting in contact with me. I hope she's not still awake wondering where I am. I hope she's not having a panic attack because I'm so late.

I NEVER get off so late. NEVER. The station has a specific time when I get to go home. Sometimes, yes, I have to work over time, but never until 1 O'Clock in the morning. I'm really, really pissed off by this, but there was just so much crazy stuff happening today.


A/N:  I probably won't have a ton of author's notes in this story. I just wanted to say sorry if there is any confusion on whether the story is like a flashback or not. It's not supposed to be, but if it seems like it sorry. I'm not that good at sticking with the right POV and things like that, honestly. It's supposed to be all happening as it's being told so...

I hope you enjoy this story! Check out my BeChloe story Rebel too!!


Misadventures:   "The Fosters"   A Stef and Lena StoryWhere stories live. Discover now