Always: An R and R connection fanfic (Collab with MusicPoetryPictures)

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A/N: Heeeeello~ anons! So I've been getting requests to do the R and R connection! So, ILL DO IT!!! Dedicated to Rosilita_Mavin, for requesting this! Love you, Girl! ENJOY ANONS!

Ryan's POV:

I hate my life... Most people would absolutely love to take my position but... I just can't take it... Ever since the Edgar epidemic, people have found out my mad side... Now they're all either afraid of me or they absolutely hate me... I bet even Ray does... And it's harder knowing that he of all people hate me.... Because... I love him... Well, I'm done. I'm going to end it after work. I've got everything set up at home for tonight. My only regret is not telling him how I feel.... Maybe I'll let him turn me down tonight, THEN I'll die.

I went up to Ray after work. Time to get my feelings crushed....

"Uhhhh... R-Ray...."

"Hmm..?" He turned his head towards me.

"I-.... I love you...." My face turned bright red. His eyes widened. "God, I-I know... Your straight... I'm sorry. You won't have to worry about me anymore..."

"I love you too..."

"Wh-What...? A-Are you being serious...?!" He nodded and smiled a bit. He hugged me and berried his face in the nape of my neck.

....Maybe... I won't kill myself after all....

A/N: I hope you enjoyed my first chappie! More to come, anons! LOOOOOVE YOOOOOU~<3! ~Ichimated

Always: An R and R connection fanfic (Collab with MusicPoetryPictures)Where stories live. Discover now