Chapter 1

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AN / This book is inspired by Lauren Kate's Fallen series, apologies for the crossover in themes in places, but if you enjoy this book I thoroughly recommend giving Fallen a read. Please note that this is entirely fictional, it is most likely inconsistent with the bible itself, and so I apologise for inaccuracies. With that in mind, here is 'Wings' (probably my most well written book on this site, and the one I have written with the most passion, so please enjoy!):


"We found her down by the lake, she's at the station now." The man's voice told me, crackling slightly, distorted through the bad phone signal.

Today had not been a good day.

It started when I woke up to the bleak sound of silence. That was never a good sign in my house.

On a regular day -or at least, a day that is as normal as it gets around here- I would hear my mother's relentless ramblings about something or other, it never really seemed to stop. It was always focused around one thing, a beautiful man, overcome with light.

It didn't take me long to realise who she was talking about.

I had never known my father, never even met him. In fact, I was sure he was dead. From listening to my mother all these years, I have gathered what I could to piece together the story.

Once, a long time ago, my mother had fallen in love. It was completely abrupt, it had shocked her family. She couldn't have known him more than a few days. And yet here I was.

Now, my grandparents would rarely talk to me, they would perhaps send me a card on my birthday, if they remembered. But they wanted little to do with the man of light that my mother was so profusely obsessed with, and that meant they didn't want to know me.

They never found his body.

No, instead they found a burned down motel room, and my mother, who had barely made it outside.

I suppose that was the incident that had caused my mother to lose her sanity, these days she was forever lost in a different time, stuck in the moment where she saw the light, the light from the fire.

Every now and again, she managed to escape the house. Not that it was difficult, the cheap lock was broken by one good hit.

She never got far, at least not in the time that I was able to go out looking and find her. Whenever it happened, it happened at sunrise. She was forever following the light, I suppose.

But this time I was unable to go looking for her, because I had to go to work. Of course, I had called in and asked if I could take the day off to search for her, but then I wouldn't be paid.

And we really needed the money.

Most places around here didn't pay seventeen year olds well, and my mother certainly couldn't get a good job in her state. Or a job at all, actually.

And that meant, because we had nobody else, that I was the main source of income for the family. And living on my measly salary was not enough, and that meant I couldn't afford to lose a single paycheck.

And then of course, I missed the bus. So I had to walk, and was therefore late to work.

I worked at a sports shop, though I knew absolutely nothing about sports.

They made me wear a cheap, orange plastic vest while I was working. I had heard the other employees complain about it pretty often, not to me of course, nobody talks to me.

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