Chapter 21

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All of the cells either side of me were empty. It didn't matter how far I walked, I couldn't see another soul. But... I could hear them. The soft whistling of breathing, in and out, repetitive (Jasmine told me that while angels don't need to breathe, they prefer to because it means they have a sense of smell).

So, I knew that I wasn't alone in this endless hallway, even though it felt that way. I was surprised that there weren't more people being held captive here, what did the Readers do all day when they weren't holding some sort of trial?

After a while, I could hear footsteps coming towards me. I could have easily run down the hallway to make the journey quicker, but I rather liked being alone with my thoughts for a while. Even so, it was quite a relief to have another being close by. This walk could feel daunting at times, like you could be lost in it forever.

Soon, a Reader passed me, recognisable by his white robes. He was accompanied by two Searchers, acting as guards in this case. They each nodded to me as they walked by. "Emilia." The Reader greeted.

I was a little taken aback, but of course he must have been there for my trial, so of course he would know who I was. Even so, to be greeted so casually was a blessing. It made me feel warm inside, to be welcomed.

It wasn't too long after that that I sensed my father close by (don't ask how I knew – I just did). Approaching his cell, I saw that he was sat in the back corner, with his eyes closed.

"I saw this place once, before." I said, Acacias opened his eyes, and smiled up at me. "In a dream. You were there."

"Yes," He replied, standing up and walking over to the front bars of the cell to be closer to me. "I was calling to you, to try and warn you."

"Right." I placed my hand on one of the bars, Acacius covered it with his own hand. "It was a little scary, to be honest. Especially when I first came here and saw you. To recognise you."

He nodded. "I wasn't sure if that was why. When you came through that portal and saw us all... you were transfixed. I wondered if you recognised me."

I smiled. "Well, I do take after you it would seem."

He smiled back at me, "Yes, you do. So tell me, how is Lori doing?"

I frowned and shrugged, "I'll try to check on her soon. I do miss her terribly, but she's in good hands." She would be taken care of in that rehabilitation centre.

He nodded in agreement, I wondered if someone had told him what happened in the lake.

"I miss Earth too." I sighed. "Heaven is beautiful, more so than I could have imagined. It's a bizarre place for me, yet I do feel a connection of some sort with it. Still, it isn't home."

Sympathetic, he squeezed my hand. "That strange feeling with fade. It's how I felt about the Earth the first time I visited." He smiled, almost longingly.

"Do you miss the Earth?" I asked, curious.

"Very much. I can appreciate Heaven for its glory, but everything here was built and designed. Earth is so natural, it's almost a relief. Things can be done without needing a reason. It's spectacular, it's where I feel at home."

"And on Earth you were allowed to love my mother." I guessed. He nodded, seeming sad.

"Earth is not perfect, by any means. But I was happier there than I am here." He told me.

"So tell me what it was like," I suggested. "The first time you visited Earth."

He grinned like he was thinking of a fond memory. "I'd seen angels use the portal many times, but to use it myself! Fascinating, I'll never forget. I didn't know where I'd come out, so imagine my surprise when I emerged in a waterfall of all places! I fell right to the bottom, I couldn't risk using my wings on Earth to break my fall but thankfully there was a lake to catch me."

"Where was it?" I asked eagerly, "Where were you?"

"Hmm." He pondered. "I believe it was what you would now call Brazil? It was so hot there, I'd never experienced that before. Heaven doesn't get warmer, you see. I recall a few of the locals seeing me fall down the waterfall. They were afraid of me, they'd never seen someone with pale skin before, and they didn't wear as much clothes as I did."

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

"Many thousands of years ago." He replied. "Things have changed a lot since then. I was sent there because the Chief of the tribe was lonely, desperate to find a wife. He needed an heir to be the new chief once he was gone. Because of how they perceived me, I spent most of my time there invisible. That was very new to me, Guardians can't go invisible in Caelum, so it was a bit of a shock!"

"Will I be able to do that?" I asked, excited.

"I don't know. I didn't even know that I could do that, if you can, it'll happen when you least expect it. In the moment that you need it the most. The tribe became convinced that I was a ghost actually, but that was in my favour. I led them away from their land, heading east to another tribe, where the chief fell in love with one of their daughters. I'll never forget them, the first humans that I helped."

"I'd like that, to be able to help." And now, maybe I would be able to. If the council decided to let me, anyway.

"There is no greater joy." He told me. "I have visited Earth many times since then. I feel now that it is more my home than Caelum is. You may seem like an outsider right now Emilia, that you don't understand this strange place. But that doesn't mean you'll always feel that way."

"I hope you're right."

I didn't get the chance to say any more before we could hear footsteps coming towards us. Acacius sighed and slunk further back into his cell. "Do visit again soon, Emilia."

I nodded. "Of course, but- "

"Emilia." A Searcher said, stood behind me. I turned around to face her reluctantly. "The Readers are looking for you in the courtroom."

"Okay. Thank you." I said, turning back to Acacius. "I'll try to go visit Lori before I see you next."

He nodded in thanks, and I turned to follow the Searcher back down to the courtroom. She went quickly, and I had to run to catch up. It did mean that the journey only took a couple of minutes though.

Waiting for me in the courtroom, was a more informal group than I had been expecting. It was only the Reed, surrounded by a small group of Readers, all clothed in those white robes.

The Reed's small eyes seemed oddly warm as I approached. "Emilia. Thank you for coming."

"What's this about?" I asked, cautiously.

"We were just curious to see if you had noticed any more changes in your abilities?" The Reed asked, "You did agree to keep us updated."

"Right, yeah." I nodded, "I haven't noticed much, aside from that I haven't been getting tired when I'm not around any angels. Though I'm not sure if that's just because I'm around so many. It was easier to notice the differences on Earth before I came here."

She nodded, seeming to think to herself. "Perhaps she should visit Earth, to see if anything has changed." One of the Readers suggested.

The Reed nodded again, "Supervised of course, but yes, it's a good idea. What do you think, Emilia?"

"It would be easier for me to see any differences, I think." I told her. "And it would be nice to go back for a visit."

"Excellent, I'll arrange someone to supervise at once." She said, turning away.

"Um." I interrupted, she turned back to face me. "If it's alright, I'd like to have Noah and Jasmine there with me. They know me the best, I think they'd be helpful in noticing any differences in my abilities."

"Yes, that might be for the best." She agreed, signalling to one of the Searchers. "Find Jasmine and Noah and bring them to the portal please, let them know where they are going." She turned to me, "They'll be here shortly, be safe on Earth, Emilia. Don't forget the rules."


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