Chapter 4

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"Stacy. She's a year younger than me, and her dad is the chief of police." I stated, looking across at the tall blonde girl with big, blue eyes. She was what the guys considered to be 'hot'. Not that any of them went after her... her dad being quite the intimidator. 

Travis shook his head. "The child is the same age as you. And there is nothing special about this one."

My eyes widened slightly, I couldn't remember the last time someone had looked at Stacy Smith and not thought she was special. 

"And so, the search continues." Noah muttered, chuckling slightly. The three of them were all equally strange in that they seemed unaware of how to act towards others, but Noah seemed the most down to earth. Maybe Travis and Jasmine just had their walls up a little too high. 

Either way, their strange behaviour was certainly curious. I had no idea where they were from, or even what they were really doing here. They were shrouded in secrets. I couldn't help but wonder.

"Right. And what are we searching for again?" I queried.

"The one." Travis replied, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the crowds, searching for another face to pick out and ask me to define. 

The one. Well, it was a little clue, at least. The one made them sound special. Like something to be desired. But I already knew they were looking for someone unique, the problem was that they were very vague about what type of 'unique' they were after. 

Currently, I was sat, leaning against the bonnet of a flashy silver car that had apparently arrived alongside Travis, Noah and Jasmine. The three of them stood next to me, all rigid, and still in that calculated formation - even Noah, who seemed the most normal, was watching the crowd, looking for something bizarre. 

Looking down at the cheap watch on my left wrist, I stretched my my arms out in front of me and pushed myself up into a standing position. "Right well, I have to get to work."

"Where is your place of work?" Jasmine asked, her eyes seemingly piercing into my soul.

"Um. The sports shop down by Brookes field." Though she had already looked away with a knowing look, like she had taken the answer out of my mind already. 

"Alright. Let's go then, so you aren't late." Travis said, and then they all got into the car, their steps oddly in sync. 

"Uh..." I quickly slid into the back seat next to Jasmine. "You guys don't have to come with me..." 

"There will be others at the shop. It is important that we locate the one quickly. No time to spare." Travis said, barely even looking at where he was driving - though oddly, I felt quite safe. 

I decided to let the weird behaviour slide, maybe where they are from, it's not strange to go with your friend (If that's what we are) to work. 

"You are sporty?" Jasmine asked me, her expression curious.

"Um, no. Not really. I kind of just work the till." I told her. "I just took the best job I could get, my mum doesn't work." 

"I see." She replied, thoughtfully. "It's a strange concept. Money, that is."

"I suppose." I shrugged, "But it's the only way, I guess." 

She wrinkled her nose, as though she disagreed. "Hardly. Where I am from we-"

"Jasmine." Travis cut her off, in a calm tone. "What she means to say, is that back home our jobs are assigned to us, based on our abilities."

"Oh. Where are you guys from?" I inquired. 

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