Chapter 33

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I left right after speaking to Lori. I didn't want to hang around, like I was trying to postpone the inevitable. Besides, Claire made it clear that it wasn't safe for me to be on Earth anymore – I should head back to Heaven as soon as possible.

It was fairly quiet in town, though I didn't want to risk running into anybody, so I decided to take the route to the portal through the woods. The sound of the stream was calming as always, though it couldn't quench the sadness within me at having to leave my mother behind. I had no idea when I would next get to see her. Even Charlie and Jackson, a part of me would miss them. And of course, there was Andrew... who I had no idea how to find in order to say goodbye.

But it shouldn't matter, it wasn't like Andrew and myself were friends – he was one of the Fallen. Was it even allowed? Maybe going to Heaven for a while would be for the best...

Suddenly, I heard a loud rustle in the tree's ahead. I froze, there were no creatures that should be out here that would make such noise. I forced myself to relax, reaching out as though to sense what it was.

I relaxed properly feeling the power there. "Andrew...?"

"Not quite." The heavy voice accompanied a thud from behind me. I spun quickly, and stood there was a tall man, standing proud, protected by huge golden-tipped wings.

His eyes were dark, almost the exact same shade of his pitch-black hair. He was dressed head to toe in black, and his posture seemed threatening.

I took a small step backwards, trying to compose my expression. As I went backwards, I felt a cool hand on my back, forcibly pushing me back towards the stranger.

Spinning on the spot, I turned so that I could face both of the newcomers. The other one was a girl, her face young, though her eyes were narrowed, her lips twisted in a way that made her appear irritated. She too, was dressed in all black, which seemed to compliment her short red hair.

Unlike the guy, she didn't have her wings out – perhaps that was why I hadn't sensed her presence.

"So, you're the one who's been hanging around Andrew." The girl hissed, "I didn't think you'd be his type."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said quietly. All I could think about was how the Fallen most likely were in possession of the sword of god, the angel killer.

"Don't play dumb." The guy said, taking a step towards me. "We know what you are. You're the half, the Nephilim."

I shook my head, "Really, I don't know-"

"That push would have sent a human flying through these woods." The girl said, also coming closer. I backed away slightly, not wanting to be cornered by them. I had overpowered an angel before, but I wasn't sure how I would fare against two... "You're no human."

"What do you want?" I asked, my eyes flickering between them.

"We were just curious. We know Andrew has been spending some time with you." The guy said, "We just thought we might be able to share."

I didn't speak.

"So, tell us. What are the extent of your abilities?" He asked. He flexed his arms, and his wings receded. "Perhaps you could demonstrate them for us?"

"No." I shook my head. I didn't trust them. Unlike Andrew, I had a bad feeling about these two.

"Fine. Guess we are doing this the hard way." The guy said again, sighing. He looked towards the girl.

The girl launched herself towards me, her wings bursting out as the attacked. Her hands made contact with my shoulders, her wings beating once to provide her with more force as she attempted to tackle me.

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