Character profile - Hydra, the leader and strategist

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Name: Hydra

Function: Leader/strategist

Vehicle mode: Cybertronian tank

Quote: ''Never question my orders or strategies, punk!''

Backstory: Before becoming the leader of Omega Squadron, Hydra was a well known strategist. Many Autobots looked up on him as the Hardheaded brain with muscles. He always knew on where to strike the enemy when they least expected any attacks from him at all. Megatron once gave him a offer to become his strategist when he was face to face to Hydra for the first time and was impressed on how smart he was. In general, he refused the offer which almost caused him his life. And his head. Hydra was then found by Ratchet and got him repaired. He remained being the same smart Autobot with brilliant plans after being repaired. But half his face was destroyed, leaving a nasty scar on his metal-plated face. He then wanted to create a team of his own with powerful allies and so he became the founder of his known team: Omega Squadron.

Weakness: Hydra's plans can fail sometimes, which can cause him to have a major panic. It is said that he once snapped when a plan of his backfired and that he went on rampage. Many also calls him a bit bossy when it comes for the orders he gives soldiers or on how a strategy of his sounds to a Autobot soldier whom do not agree on how it's gonna end. To this, he can become easily depressed or angry sometimes.

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