Chapter 4 - Ocean Massacre

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On an ocean planet that lies outside the far region of Cybertron, the Autobots have stationed a city known as Ocean City. Purpose is that the Autobots decided to help the native race that lives on the planet to protect them from asteroids that enter the planets orbit and destroys their homes. So far the city has not been attacked by any Decepticons. Until now. Soldiers have spotted a large shadow lurking in the water. Other soldiers have reported that they've seen six shadowy beings move around outside the city's lower area. The soldiers had sent out a small group of soldiers to find these shadowy figures. But they never returned back. Frightened, the Autobots soldiers stationed on Ocean City contacted Hydra and his team to help them. He agreed and they are now on their way to the planet.

Helios: An ocean based planet.....what was Hydra thinking? I'll rust my limbs off if I go near this water.

Omega Bravo: Shut your whining. Wheeljack's latest invention allows us to be perfectly fine if we make contact with the water.

Nimbus: I do say that it's a very amazing invention of his. I would've never thought of it myself. He smiled very amazed by looking at Wheeljack's latest invention.

Helios: Still, I don't like it at all! He continued to complain about this wet mission he had to do.

Hydra: Mind keeping down, Helios? He slammed the wall so he could make Helios shut up for once. We've almost arrived to the planet. How many more cycles are there left until we arrive?

Crossfire: Around 7-8 cycles left. We should be there in no time.

Hydra: Good.

Omega Bravo was polishing his arm-gun. He then wondered why they had a Autobot city located on that planet.

Omega Bravo: Mind if I ask why they have a Autobot city located on that planet?

Hydra: Because of the asteroids that enters the planets orbit. The natives on the planet has said that they've lost their homes because of that and that they had to re-build them time after time.

Crossfire: Th-there aren't any asteroid fields in where this planet is located...right?

Hydra: No.

Crossfire: G-good. I don't want us to be crushed by them. Also, we've arrived.

They now had arrived at the ocean planet. They saw that an energon grid was up as some minor explosions could be seen in the distance. They observed that it was the asteroids getting pulverized. When they entered the planets orbit they could see that the sun was shining, sparkling the water as if it was crystal like.

Crossfire: Wow. It's beautiful on this planet. He was amazed to see how beautiful the planet was even though it contained mostly water. He spotted some buildings that was on the outskirt of Ocean City. What are those constructions over there?

Hydra: That's where the natives live.

A message was coming from Ocean City. Hydra opened the message.

Autobot soldier: Autobot shuttle 86. You may land on platform 4 on the west side of Ocean City.

Crossfire landed the shuttle on the platform as some Autobot engineers began refueling the ship. Hydra and his team walked out from the shuttle and greeted their fellow Autobot comrades

Autobot soldier: Good thing you guys could come with such short notice. We've lost many of our boys here by those mysterious attackers.

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