Chapter 1:Not So Imaginary

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In a normal night,in a little quiet town,loud voices are coming from a poor house.Scaring the neighbours and not letting them sleep.Nobody dares to call the police to a cop who is disturbing them.They are getting louder and louder.Like in the cup finals.Full of swearing and insults.Just a normal night for a kid whos dad is an alcoholic.No mother to defend him just a stepmom to sit there and watch with her mouth closed.
I'm sitting here,looking like that nothing is happening while my heart is running a marathon.Looking away from my fathers eyes and he just drinks a glass by glass of rakia which are followed by insults to me.I'm full of rage and anger,shaking inside,I could have a fight with an elephant right now.But what can I do when he has the intelligence of a monkey and a body of a pig.His fathers was like this to him to so I guess mokey see monkey do.Behind his back I call him Stalin.
Dad drinks a glass to the bottom and yells with anger-"Why are you born?What is your perpose to this world?You just sit in your room.Everytime I walk in you are reading a book or you are watching those creepy things(Supernatural).ANSWER MEE!"
I take a deep breath and look at him like an eagle waiting to strike,still I speak calmly-"You want me to be like you an alcoholic to know about cars,to be a mechanic or a cop,to be coldblooded,well I don't have interests in that."
Dad-"You dare to call me an alcoholic?Well if you are SO smart what do you have interests in young mister?"
Ok.He isn't an alcoholic he just drinks two bottels of rakia everyday and lots of beer.
Me-"Well I know history,geography and astronomy and a lot of stuff about computers."
Dad-"Well Einstein where is your Nobel prize?"
Me-"On its way!"
Dad furiously-"Go to your room before I beat you like a dog!"
I run to my room downstairs.I jump into my bed.I don't cry but breath in and out heavily to get that anger and rage out of me.
Here is the thing.I lost my mom when I was twelve and you already know that I have the best dad in the world,nobody was there to say to me that is going to be okay.When I was in a dilemma I imagened myself next to me and I would talk until I'm ready to choose,when I neede someone in cases like this I imagened Barbas the demon(king of hell) as the one who kept me sane(even if this sounds insane) he was there to say to me thats its going to be okay,and archangel Michael as the one who was pushing me to stand for myself.The dialogues between us are going on in my head.I have lots of friends who help me but this is in situations when I can't talk to them.
As I try to calm down Michael appears.He has black wings,black hear and a black beard.Still he is white like he just came from Siberia.
Michael stands next to me and talks like a general-„Go up there and stand for yourself.Be a man."
I speak through my pillow-„I can't.You don't understand.If I do anything it will make it worse."
Michael(confused)-„You're right.I don't understand you.I can't and I don't know if I ever will.You have a knife in your heart.If you can't rid of it,take it out with your heart!"
Me strictly-„Well I use my heart to help others,the people I care for,and they help me when I ask for it."
Michael still confused as a cow looking into a colorfull door-„Why don't you contact them now?"
Me-„Sometimes I don't want to stand in their way and I have to talk with myself first."
Michael-„Huh.It is easier to solve a Rubics cube then to make you happy.You really are a loser."
Barbas appears.He looks like something between a devil and a demon.Probably becouse he is the king of hell.But it doesn't mean that he is evil just becouse he is doing his job punishing those who have sinned.
Barbas yells at Michael-„That's enough Michael.Just becouse God gave you an asshole it doesn't mean you have to be one."
Michael-„I was just trying to bring him back to reality."
Barbas-„Why would you do that when he doesn't like it there?"
Michael gets angry-„Who are you to question me!?Who are you to yell at me and tell me what to do!?"
Barbas with a face expression of a cunt-„Well the king of hell of course.Don't you remember?"
Michael starts to get furious-„I know who you are peasant.How dare you to speak with me like that?I am an archangel!"
Barbas smiles and moves his finger left and right towards Michael-„Nuh uh. You are a fallen angel.And you can't do anything becouse we are here only imaginary.Of course unless he imagens it."
Michael gets angry-„I've stopped Lucifer and I will find a way to get rid of you"
Barbas-„Why would you do that?Becouse I made a friend and I want to help him?Becouse I am here for him?"
Michael-„Maybe I can't find a way but I can find someone who can kill you?
Barbas-„Who?God?I am the one who listens to him and I do my job and you are the one who betrayed him.And you took a body of a hobo,go and shave,get your hair done and find a strong body that can hide your wings.People will start to think that a circus is in town."
Michael-„You speak but you make no sense.Why do you come in your own shape?"
Barbas-„I only come here to help my friend.I don't need one."
Michael-„Then why your friend isn't having fun?"
Barbas-„Oh.I have plans for him."
Michael-„What are you going to do Barbas?
Barbas-„Nothing.Just gonna let this boy have some fun.He is 17.He can think on his own.I mean he lives in Bosnia.It would be the best thing that will happen to him."
Michael(confused and angry)-„What are you going to do Barbas?"
Barbas sadly-„Well now I have to spoil it.I will send him on an adventure.And only I can get him back."
Michael yells and looks scared-„Barbas!You will not take his soul!"
Barbas-„Of course not,he is my friend"
Michael-„His dad will be worried while he is gone!"
Barbas-„Oh no.I sorted it out.While he is gone not even a minute will pass."
Michael-„So he will age?He won't have a place to be.I mean if he stays there too much and comes back he will be an old guy."
Barbas-„He will not age.He can stay as long as he wants."
Michael-„How will he get back?"
Barbas-„He just needs to call me."
Michael-„I won't let you."
Michael jumps on Barbas.He starts to punch him continously.I couldn't let this happen.It felt like I didn't imagen this.
I yell at them-„Stop it now both of you!"
Michael pulls out his flaming sword.I panic.
Barbas-„Imagen something you fool"
I imagened that Michael went to Florida and he disappeared.I was amazed.
Barbas-„Can't you see.You can imagen us being here and not.We are not so imaginary.We can only be here if you invite us in.It's not like you have the power letting us be here you have the power not letting us be here you have a strong mind."
I look confused out of my life and I have trouble beliving this.
So my first thought was that I went crazy.My second one was.If I am I don't care lets have some fun:
Barbas-„Tell me something to do so I can prove it for you."
I took a pen and some paper and I write on it"Just cheking if this works"
Me-„Send this to Ivan in Pula"
Barbas disappears and comes back in five minutes.As he comes back Ivan send me a text message that says:"Dude are trying to be funny :'D.Is this a troll?You made me laugh so hard that I'm crying on the flour LOL.Yes the Post office still works xD.And when does the mail come to you at midnight?"
Me-„Ok I belive you."
Barbas-„You good"Can we move on?
Barbas-„As you heard I wanted to send you to a paralel world.Time won't pass here and you wil come back the same,you wil just remember what happened there.Just call me when you want to come back.You will age there becouse you can stay as long as you want.Call me if something goes bad.I mean if you want to go."
Me-„I do want it.It sound interesting and fun.But what do you want in return?"
Barbas-„Nothing.You are my friend,this is a gift.Remember only I can get you back.And God but he isn't here for 2000 years."
Me a little bit confused-„OK and thank you."
Barbas opens a portal that looks like you're trippin on acid full of blue and white cyrcles.We jump into it.I look back and saw how the time froze.I noticed it becouse I've knocked over my notebook just to be sure will the time froze and it was floating in the air.As I turn back forwards Barbas disappeared and everything went black...

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