Chapter 2:Welcome?

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As I lose sight,everything disappeared.Not only that I can't see anything I can not hear or feel.It isn't like that I can't move,I didn't have a body I can't feel any emotions.I can only think but I can't remember.I don't have a body now I'm souless,only my mind is present.I need to find them.I start to think about my body,I start to feel it.Like it's transferring from somewhere.
As I regain my body I remember everything but I am calm.Wait.I still need my soul.I see some light in the distance so I start walking towards it.I can see now,my body didn't tranfer in time here so I needed to bring it by my self but I felt it in the other universe but my soul isn't in there.It's here.Maybe it's that light.Only one way to find out.
I came close to the light I can see two figures.I run to them.I feel the connection between me and my soul.I noticed it becouse my emotions came back.I am scared.Where is Barbas?What if I cant find my soul?Anyway I had to stay focused.After running for a while I came close to the figures.
It's Barbas and Michael.I was so happy to see them.I couldn't se Barbas very well but I could see Michael.His wings were shining black.Each one was spred and big as a truck.As soon as I approach them,Michael pulls out his sword and cuts the off Barbas head.For me I felt the eternity pass by me,I was shocked.His head fell of,while his body was chained to some sort of a post.I start imagening Barbas alive.
Michael smiles and says:''You have no power here.''
I start to run.I was scared but my soul was in his jar looking thing.
Michael:''You can't run or hide.It's a diffrent universe.''
Me-''How can this be happening I imagened you!?''
Michael-''No you didn't.God created me.''
Me-''But you've sinned.Shouldn't you be in jail or something?''
Michael-''Should?Yes.Am I?No.Becouse He isn't here for 2000 years idiot!''
Me-''What are you doing then?Find Him dirtbag.''
Michael-''First I need to start and finish the apocalypse again.But you are in my way!''
Me-''God please send me some help!!!''
Michael jumps on me.I am powerless.He hits me,again and again.I could feel the pain.This I couldn't imagen for sure.This is real.He reaches his sword.I knew it that it was the end for me.Souless where would I go.I was ready to die.I can hear something.It sounds like a bird swinging its wings.Michael gets push of me by someone.It was an angel.He was black and he had beautiful wings.They look like they are made of electricity.They are white and blue.It was a hard fight.All I could hear was the angel saying-''Stop Michael...We forgiven you now obey the orders'' and a lot of punches.After a while the angle brings Michael to the ground and starts to smother him.
The angel-''That's enough!Go to heaven and don't leave unless I tell you to!But if you touch this human.You'll go to visit Lucy for the eternity.''
Michael-''Why are you protecting him?''
The angel-''I have plans for him.And I have some for you for killing Barbas.He was our colleague and you will pay for what you've done so better not run and go back to heaven!''
Michael disappears and the angel comes to me.I would run but I can't move becouse Michael beat me.He approches me and pulls me up saying-''Let me give you a hand.''
As he grabs my hand he healed me until I was up.He talks first.
The angel-''My name is Raphael also know as the angel of healing.Michael told you the situation we are in,God isn't picking up his phone and we are doing what we can.I need you to learn to be a hunter and work for us.Yes this world is different.But you need to obey our orders.''
Me-''Why do I need to obey?''
Rafael-''Someone brought your friends here and you need them alive to bring them back to your world.''
Rafael-''That's your problem not mine''
Me-''What will I do?''
Rafael-''Some are here for a month but some didn't came yet.I'll get you to Earth then you are on your own,you'll have some money.''
Me-''What if I mess up?''
Rafael smiles,laughs quietly and says-'' Haha.You know what.''
Rafael-''But what?No more questions peasent!Now good luck.''
As he touches my shoulder I appear somewhere in a forest.But the wierdest thing is that first 10 trees around me in every direction have fallen down.They've made a perfect circle and the edge was on fire.I knew tha I had to keep moving.I looked around myself and I saw a lake down a small path.As I am walking towards the lake I heared some fishermen near a cabin talking.
Old guy-''Boys I've locked everything.We will go with my truck.''
Red hat guy-''What about the car?''
Old guy-''NO-one will come here so we will leave our weapons in the trunk.We'll come back in a week.''
Guy with scuba gear-''How's the Loch Ness monster here in Minnesota?''
Old guy-''It's dead now so I don't care.Now let's go''
They leave.So those were hunters.I can take their car and repaint it.It's a yellow 69 Camaro.I enter the cabin.There was only a kitchen and a toilet.In the kitchen there were two bags.I opened them wan was full of cash the other was full of snacks.What a jackpot.I took the rest of caned food and went to the car.I put the bags in the back.I open the trunk it blown my mind.It was a full Winchester arsenal kit.Now this is a start.I start up the car.I went down the road until I entered a small place called Orr.Just a couple of houses and a Ovenson's Pelican Lake Resort & Inn.That name is probably longer then my future,hehe.Luckly there was a mechanic there so I've stopped at his place.
Me-''Hello sir.''
Mechanic-''Hi what can I do for you?''
Me-''I need a paintjob''
Mechanic-''Sure what color?''
Me-''Make it black''
Mechanic-''OK.That's 300$ cash.''
Me-''Sure here you go''
Mechanic-''What's your name boy?This is a lot of money.''
Me a little bit lost-''It is umm..Charles..umm..Jordan.I've spared some money over the years.''
Mechanic-''What are you?French?Nevermind.I am Juan,don't judge.If you have some more money your car will be done in tree hours.''
Juan-''Kids we have a customer!!''
Some boys rush out of the house into the garage and started working around the car.
Juan-''Let me put it this way.I am not the only Juan working here.''
then I waited.All the time i was looking if someone will check the trunk or the bags luckly no-Juan did.I gave the cash as soon as it was done and went to the Inn.It was already getting dark.I enter the Inn
Charles-''Is anybody here?''
Fancy guy with a brittish accent-''Hello there young sir.What can I do for you?
Charles-''I would like a room for a night.''
Fancy guy-''Delightful.For how many?''
Charles-''Oh.It is just me.''
Fancy guy-''If you want i can call you a fancy lady(prostitute).''
Charles-''What?No!I just want a place to rest from the raod.''
Fancy guy-''As you wish.I need your name young sir.''
Charles-''Charles Jordan.''
Fancy guy his accent changes to tipical american-''What are you?French?''
Fancy guy not being so fancy-''OK.That will be 30$.''
I gave him the money then I went to the room #12.I bring my bags with me just to be sure.I lock the door and went to the bed.I can't sleep.Lots of thoughts going through my head.Where are my friends?Which ones are here?Where can I start?What is going on?What can I do without Barbas?And the most important thing of all.Why does everyone think that I am French?
I went to the window and I start to look down the highway 53.I saw a shooting star.I made a wish to find a friend as soon as possible.I started looking the good things.I know how to drive and how to shoot.I've learned it by asking my dad for my bday.Atleast that's a good thing.I know how to cook thanks to my aunt.And how to be polite and kind towards the people I don't know thanks to my bad life.
I closed the window and went to the bed.I turn on the TV.There was nothing wierd on the news unfortunately but at least the history wasn't diffrent the world is the same.
I turn of the TV.I fell a sleep.
BOOM!Someone broke the door.I took my pistol and aimed towards him.I couldn't see good becouse I just fell asleep and woke up 20 minutes after.
Familiar voice-''Put the gun down skinshifter!''
To be continued...

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