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I swear they make these hospital chairs uncomfortable just so you can have a reason to pace not that I need one.

Two hours is how long I have been doing the sane dance, pace then sit then get up again just to do the same dance. An uneasy feeling has settled over me ever since Toni left to go take her siblings back to her parents house. It seems that feeling was there for a reason...

"Beyonce sit down you have been pacing since she left" my mom says firmly making me slow my pacing.

"I'm sorry I'm just... worried. Her parents said some horrible things to her when they found out she likes girls, I just don't want her to get hurt again" I say before sitting down beside Bianca feeling frustrated.

"Beyonce I'm sure she is fine" Bianca as she rubs my shoulder.

I nod almost telling her to remove her hand but I hold it in because even though I'm pretty sure she got a little crush on my baby Toni, I told myself I was going to try to be nicer not only to her but other people. But if she even think about flirting with Toni I'm beating her ass. After a while of sitting nervously in silence I hear the sound of a car pulling up making me sprint to the door.

I open the door expecting her to step out the car but the sight that greets me makes my heart drop in my stomach. I run to her form that is slumped over the wheel swinging open the door.

"Toni?!" I scream as I pull her out of the car and into my arms sitting us both on the ground.

"What happened?!" I hear my mom ask coming up beside me.

I feel the tears coming out my eyes as I place my hand on her pulse. I swallow hard feeling her shallowed breathing "I don't know, I came outside and saw her not moving" I say my voice cracking with despair.

Bianca runs up to us along with Richard "I called an ambulance" she says frantically.

Just let her be okay...

A piercing light is the first thing I see when my eyes shoot open. I instantly slam them back shut groaning as a headache starts to form making me feel nauseated.

After a few minutes of me trying to gather myself I sense the odd feeling of someone looking over me then an unknown hand is touching my chest instantly causing me to snap my eyes back open ready for a fight.

"Calm down Ms. Braxton, you are in the hospital" a middle aged women says looking down intently at me.

I look around, slowly taking in my surroundings noticing the nurse who is also in the room "ho-hospital? What-why am I here?" I ask looking back at the nice looking doctor.

"You don't remember?" She asks as she goes back to what she was doing before I pounced up.

"Remember what?" I ask looking confused.

"You had a panic attack" she explains to me "have you ever been diagnosed with panic disorder?"

I shake my head quickly as I look into her kind green eyes "no ma'am I mean I have an inhaler but I don't think that has anything to do with my...attack" I supply looking down at the thick white sheet that is placed over my legs.

"Okay, have you ever experienced this before?" She asks as she takes her stethoscope and places it on my chest.

"Uh...once when I was in elementary school and a few years ago..." I tell her as she nods.

"Toni this was very serious, you crashed twice on the ambulance ride over because of how fast your heart was beating" she says making my eyes widen in shock "you are going to have to stay in here until tomorrow but I want you to consider going to a therapist to help you figure out what are causing these attacks" she explains at my furious look.

"Therapist? I'm not crazy I don't need a therapist!" I yell angrily.

"And I know that but they will be able to help you" she says patting my hand soothingly before walking away "oh and you have some visitors" she says smiling at me.

"Wait!" I shout out making her stop and turn around "I never asked you your name I'm sorry for being rude-"

"Nonsense darling! I'm Dr. Isles and this is Nurse Susie, just press that buzzer if you need either one of us" she says nicely before walking out with the nervous nurse.

I lean back onto the semi comfortable bed as I think about the invites that lead up to me ending up here. I remember driving home Monster and Mikey, then I had an argument with my parents and then I left. That's all I can remember... suddenly I hear hurried footsteps coming down the hall and then the faces of Beyonce's family pops up in the doorway.

"Hey" I mumble looking down sheepishly at the sheet.

"We we're is worried about you" Beyonce says as she runs up flinging her arms around me.

"I'm sorry" I say hugging her back as I look over her shoulder at Tina and her husband.

"No need to say sorry sweetheart the doctor already explained everything that happened" Tina states coming up to me with a comforting smile on her face.

"She did I thought she couldn't say anything to anyone unless it was my parents" I ask finally pulling out of the hug immediately shivering at the coldness that came with the loss if her arms.

I watch as they all look at one another before Richard speaks out "the doctor called but...they refused to come down here" he explains.

"So she told us since we are the ones you are staying with now" Tina says quickly.

I nod before looking into the only eyes that could comfort me at the moment "thank you for being here" I say talking to them all especially her.

A beautiful smile graces her face as she looks down at me "I will always be here Toni" she says before a voice interrupts her making me cringe at the familiar.

"Toni!" She yells rushing towards me to gather me in an uncomfortable hug.

"Hey Lisa...what are you doing here?" I ask as I pull out if the one sided hug.

"Yeah and how did you know she was here?" Beyonce says stepping between Lisa and me.

A smirk crosses over her perfectly painted lips as she looks Beyonce head to toe "my girlfriend invited me of course silly" she answers before she turns back towards me. "You know T you could have just came and stayed with me I would have taken very good care of you" she says seductively.

"Bit-" Beyonce starts to say but is cut off by another familiar voice.

"There you are baby I was looking for you" Bianca says running into the packed room.

"Baby?!" Everybody screams in suprise looking at a smirking Lisa.

Maybe I should have stayed sleep...

I was going to update earlier but Orange Is The New Black was calling my name😔

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