Part 1 - Haruhi joins the Host Club

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The doors opened one more time and as always you quickly took your place next to the hosts to welcome the new commer.
But as soon as the small figure came into view, you and the rest of the club realized that it was just a boy. The same boy that was in your class along with the twins.
As the host club started taking interest in the plain looking honor student you came closer to observe him as well. As Hikaru and Kaoru said you didn't know much about him, except that he was a commoner and was in Ouran because of the scholarship.
"Hey, ______, have you ever talked to him?" One of the twins asked and you just shook your head slightly.
You came closer to introduce yourself to the boy.
"Hy there, don't mind Tamaki-senpai, he's always like that!" You said cheerfully and extended a hand for him to take, which he did after a while.

Haruhi's POV

I stared amazed at all the loonies in the room until a girl came and introduced herself. For a second I had forgot how to properly introduce myself, and just eyed the girl. She had H/L, H/C hair and big E/C eyes. But what confused me most was what the girl was wearing.
She had a grey-ish brown maid outfit on, and was holding a tray. Damn these rich people. Can they not clean up after themselves?
"I'm Haruhi... Harhi Fujioka..." I finally replied

Your POV

After Haruhi finally took your hand you blinked a couple of times and stared her in the eyes.
"Hey, are you maybe..." but before you could carry on your sentence, Tamaki interruped and called the newcommer 'openly gay'. That, of course, threw the poor guy into a fit of rage and denial as he backed away from the perverted prince, ending up breaking the vase, and of course, becoming a part of the Host Club as their 'dog'.


You served another table with cups filled with strong scented tea, and placed another plate of cake in front of Honey, while picking up the empty one that was residing on the table
"Thank you ____-chan!" Honey beamed happily and you just smiled sweetly and walked towards the specially made kitchen to pick up some more tea.
"Oh, she's so pretty!" One of Honey's guests stated as you walked away. The other girl that was there nodded and so did Mori.
"Yup! ____-chan is a childhood friend of mine! I asked her to help around the Club! She's so niceee!" Honey beamed making the two girls squeal happily, forgetting for the moment about your presence
Not long after that, Haruhi returned from the store and brought instant coffee which threw Tamaki into absolute amazement.
Seeing Haruhi's irritated face, you chuckled and came closer to her.
"I love that brand!" You said smiling. Haruhi looked up at you confused.
"Do you drink instant coffee?"
"Well, yeah, it's so much easier to make" you replied
"Are you perhaps..." Haruhi started but didn't finish, not knowing exactly how to ask if you were poor or not
You laughed slowly
"No, I'm rich if that's what you mean, but my family likes to live rather modestly." You said and before you could talk any more, Tamaki called you to help bring out some cups. You quickly rushed over, leaving an even more confused Haruhi behind. If you had the money, how could you do such a job? A maid for the host club.

After things finally settled down and Tamaki ordered everyone in the club to do different tasks to make Haruhi fit into the Club, you left behind to clean up the tables. The twins came back after giving Haruhi her uniform and came next to you
"Hey, ____-chan, did you notice?" Hikaru asked
"That Haruhi is a girl? Yeah, I did" you said and snuck a quick glance at one of them, but quickly reverted your look back to the table before he noticed.
"Do you think the boss knows?" Kaoru asked and now you turned fully to the blonde boy who seemed to be in his own world as per usual.
"Probably not" you said and chuckled. The two boys laughed as well and you cleaned the place before you all went to see how Haruhi looked after the make-up. Though she still had the delicate features of a girl, with the boys uniform on, it was still hard to notice.
By the end of the day, all members of the club knew Haruhi was a girl, except for Tamaki, who, needless to say was shocked beyond belief when he figured out that she was a girl, and the red face he had made you laugh uncontrollably.

After everything that has happened at school, you ran after Haruhi as she was heading home
"Hey, Haruhi, wait!" You reached her and smiled. When you weren't in the host club, you wore the uniform. Mind you, you werent exactly happy about it, because the color was awful, but you had no other choice.
"You going home? Let's walk together, my house in the same direction!" You said and neated the wrinkles on your dress because of the running
"Uhhh, sure, but don't you have a car to take you home?" Haruhi asked watching as other students left in long, black limos.
"Nope, like I said, my family likes to live modestly, besides, father said that I need to stay in shape, so I walk to and from school.... My father is a martial arts sensei, and he wants me in shape at all times!" You explained after seeing the girl's confused face. Haruhi nodded and you both started down the road.
"So then, if you're rich, why did you accept to work as a maid for the host club?" Haruhi asked. Wow, a straight forward kind of girl.
"Oh... uh, uhm, Honey-senpai said the he could use the help around the club, is all!" You stuttered not so convincingly, and laughed it off when Haruhi gave you a untrstful look.
Thankfully she didn't seem to insist on the subject and you just talked of other things.
"Well, this is where I take a right" you said and bid your farewells with your new friend and parted ways. As you walked down the empty road you stared blankly at the clouds passing by lazily over your head.
Why did you even do this? You knew the reason, but you weren't so sure that anything good could come of it.
You stopped and closed your eyes. The wind sofly blowing through your hair made you at ease.
"Maybe... who knows?" You questioned yourself softly and smiled.


A/N: guys, sorry for any mistakes, but I'm writing this on my phone and it's pretty hard lol
So, part 1 end!
From the next part we'll start focusing more on the twins.

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