Part 6 - Confusion

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After letting your sorrows upon Takashi and Mitsukuni you asked them to train with you and they happily obliged. You used that opportunity to clear your head a little.
"___-chan, don't overexert yourself" Mitsukuni said and you just smiled and nodded.
"You're right Mitsukuni. I think I should stop for today." You replied. You didn't want to worry your 2 friends any more than possible. After that you were treated to cakes and a nice parfait at a nearby cafe. Thank goodness you had such reliable friends as those two.
After you went home, you wanted to cry and cry, but that would only make things worse. So you did the next best thing and went out for a run.
The chilly evening air managed to somehow relax you.
When you came back home you were so tired that you fell asleep almost instantly.

The next day you woke up and got dressed looking at the mirror one more time.
"It's fine. I'm fine" you repeated that mantra almost all the way to school.
When you arrived, there were few people, one of them being Haruhi, and the twins were nowhere to be seen as of yet. You plastered a smile and went to greet your friend.
"Morning Haruhi. You're early today" you said as you sat down in front of her. Haruhi nodded and started explaining how she had an essay to do but she doesn't have time and decided to just come early and work on it. You laughed at some of her antics about rich people, and didn't even notice when the two boys came into the room until Haruhi greeted them. Though your heart skipped a beat, you turned and kept on smiling.
"Morning" you said and they looked at each other and just whispered a low morning and just sat down at their desks.
"What's with them?" Haruhi asked slowly. You just raised your shoulders and turned back to the board just when the teacher stepped in.
Class went quietly as usual, you sometimes caught glimpses of either of the twin starring at you, but quickly diverted their eyes when you caught them.
'What is this, opposite day?' You thought bitterly but ignored it. They were probably just feeling bad about the other day. And they should, but knowing the Hitachiin brothers, they would get over it soon.
Classes ended without much activity, and the Host Club has opened its doors. When you got in, Honey pulled you down and asked if you were any better. You giggled and nodded standing straight and winking reassuringly. Nobody thought you had anything to think about, Hikaru and Kaoru on the other hand.... they were totally zoning out, concerning their guests.
"What's with those two?" Haruhi repeated herself and Tamaki went over to have a talk with them, but they quickly brushed him off, causing the king to sulk in a corner.
You kept on your business. It was their problem why they were acting like that. You were happy that they felt bad for the other day, but they will surely be back to themselves by tomorrow.
You went to their table, a tray in your hands and served the two girls that shared the table with the devil twins.
"Thank you..." one girl said, apparently distressed.
"Is there anything else I could do for you princess? A frown does not suit you" you said and smiled bowing a little. You caught a little from the king of hosts after all. The girl blushed at your compliments and smiled.
"No... that's..." she started but something popped in her head.
"_____-chan, you are part of the host club, right?" You blinked surprised but nodded.
"Then, can we request to stay with you?" She said and stood up. The other girl she was with agreed and stood up as well.
"But you have already...." you started and looked at the two who just seemed as surprised at the sudden request as you.
"We like spending time with Hikaru and Kaoru, but they seem... like they don't wish to see anyone today." The girl seemed dissapointed and you just looked at them with a 'what are you doing' face. Hikaru scoffed slowly and refused to look at me. Kaoru on the other hand stood up and bowed at the girls
"I'm sorry i've put you in this situation girls. Me and my brother aren't feeling so well today." He apologized and once again your heart fluttered. You knew you weren't over Kaoru, but just seeing him daily at least for the next couple of years was enough for you.
The girls smiled slowly and nodded understanding the twins, but then looked back at you still waiting for an answer.
"Uhm, sure, I guess I can keep you company for a while if that is what you wish milady" you smiled and bowed slightly, the girls giggled slowly and you went to the sofa and sat down.
You and the two girls talked about all sort of things, like make-up, fashion and cooking. They were really nice and relaxed people.
Hikaru and Kaoru remained at their table talking, and you could see that Hikaru was irritated.
Slowly, the club was closing down for the day, and the guests left one by one. I bid farewell to my own customers and smiled satisfied after they left.
Tamaki came behind me and glomped me hard
"My little daughter! I've taught you so well that you can be a host without even being a boy!!!" He shrieked in your ear, and you tried pushing him off because he was crushing your ribs. But he stopped when someone had tapped his shoulder. It was Hikaru, behind him stood Kaoru. Though the king wanted to retaliate, he stopped when he saw the serious faces of the two. He put you down and snapped his fingers. Every club member nodded and quickly hurried out of the club room, leaving you alone with them once more. One thing you have been avoiding all day.
'Damn you senpai....' you thought bitterly. 'My heart can't handle anymore'
"How can you just smile like nothing happened?" Hikaru suddenly asked leaving you speechless.
"Is whatever feelings you have for my brother so shallow that you got completely over them after one day?" He continued, seeming pissed off, so unusual from his normal, prankster state. You were shocked. How could you respond to that? But his anger only made you more annoyed.
"What the hell do you know?" You burst. The boys were shocked, and so were you at your sudden outburst. You never cussed, but he had touched your last string.
"I'm just sick of waiting for something that I know I'll never have. I don't want to waste my life waiting" your voice died with each word, because a part of you actually wanted to waste your life if that meant receiving Kaoru's love.
"How do you know you'll never have it?" Kaoru, who was quiet until now suddenly stated. Your eyes widen, but you shook your head and took a deep breath.
"Listen Kaoru, I do like you, but I'd much rather prefer you like me back really than just thinking you do. So, if you're going to say those words, make sure you have something to base them on" you ended the talk and turned on your heels.
"And you better snap out of it! You're bad for business" with that you left the room as well.

A/N: And the end of part 6! Let's see how the twins react now

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