Author's Note: Act I Finished

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the end of Act I. Now, wasn't that fun? It was for me, anyways. Now that we've gotten through the exposition, we can start diving into the deeper and darker areas of Phantom of the Opera's plot but in my modern adaptation. So. Much. Fun. And excitement!

Anyways, I'm going to make like a TV show and give you a quick review of everything that has just happened to freshen you up before Act II comes along, a bit more on that later.

We started off our tale seeing the sophmore Christine Daae take over the resident drama queen Carly Gill's role in Cinderella after the latter quit from a rather freakish accident. Christine was able to pull off gaining the lead role by using the training she had gotten from a voice she met backstage, a voice who she calls her Angel of Music.

Remembering everything that her deceased father had told her about Little Lotte and the Angel of Music, she trusts this voice to teach her how to sing with heavenly notes. But Christine still questions that this voice is real.

She tries to qualm any worries by speaking to her friend Meg and pouring her heart and soul into the musical. Through this she becomes good friends with a girl who was formerly her idol, Bridget Hadley. Under the direction of Mrs. Richard the drama teacher and Mr. Montegomery the chorus teacher, they pull together a production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella.

But there continue to be somewhat strange things going on around Christine, the Angel of Music always watching over her.

After a smashing success on opening night for Cinderella, an old friend of Christine's returns. Paul Chandler ends up becoming her boyfriend very quickly, their past together igniting their emotions.

There you go. Everything that I think you should have picked up from this past act and should remember. Of course, there are other things in there that are important...but we'll worry about that later, will we not?

Now, here's what to expect for Act II, no spoilers though! I want this to be a new ride for anyone who hasn't read Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leurox or seen the musical by Andrew Lloyd Weber. It's just a little preview of what's to come!

Auditions for the Light in the Piazza come to Garnier High School, and bring lots of drama along with it...and not just the theatre kind. Carly Gill is back on the prowl for her lead role in the musical along with her boyfriend Ian Peterson. Christine, now sure she is capable of getting another lead wth the Angel of Music's support, is going for the same role. Paul and Christine stick together through this time, only strengthening their relationship.Throughout auditions and the early rehearsals, everything in Christine's life starts to bend off track as she meets the Angel of Music in person for the first time and discovers a dark secret about the man she admired so much.

I am still so bad at blurbs, but yeah. That's what it's going to be like. Anyways, I am so excited for the Light in the Piazza to be in my story. I could gush just simply about that. But I won't, I'll spare you the pain. Ah, yes. Pretty much everything that Phantom is known for is going to be in this next act. I'm estatic to be able to share it with you.

See you in a week when Act II Scene I comes out!


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