chapter 11

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Lotte's p.o.v.

It's been over a year since I saw Oliver last, I still can't believe what he told me. A fucking werewolf who the fuck is going to buy that.

I'm almost finished with my study, and after that I'm migrating to the US. It makes me really anxious because that means I will be close to Oliver.

I still miss him every day, he used to call me and leave voicemails but after a view weeks he stopped, and I'm glad he stopped because it was really hard on me. I was on the verge of breaking and going back to Oliver, maybe it's the mate bond that's pulling me towards Oliver. I snort out loud, I shouldn't have done that, the whole class is looking at me like I'm crazy.

Yeah that's right I'm in class right now, ugh only a view more weeks and then I will be done, hopefully forever.

I can't wait to start my new job, maybe that will help me to get over Oliver, I should get a rebound. But I know better than to date anybody in my class or year those things just end bad and in heartbreak. And I'm not in the mood for that.


A few weeks later

And this years valedictorian, she's not only the only girl in this year of civil engineering she has also secured her self in one of the most prestigious company's in the whole world, may I have a huge applause for Lotte Heide, this years valedictorian.

I walk over to the stage, I'm scared what if I fuck up, OMG what if I fall, I don't want to be like Jennifer Lawrence and face plant the stairs while climbing them.

Everything goes well and before I know it, I'm on the stage. Getting ready to start my speech, I look up from where I am standing and I see a lot of eyes staring back at me with anticipation of what I'm going to tell.

"Hey hallo daar iedereen, iedereen die mij kent weet dat ik heel slecht ben in voor publiek spreken, ik ben dat nerveuse meisje dat nooit wat zij tegen iemand zonder reden tenzij je mijn vriend was, en wat een vrienden heb ik gemaakt." I say. I hear hoots from the guys I befriended in my four years that I was in college.

*Hey hello there everybody, everybody who knows me knows that I'm very bad at speaking in front of a crowd, I am that nervous girl that never says something to somebody without a reason unless you're my friend, and what a friend I have made.*

"Maar we hebben allemaal zo'n mooie vier jaar gehad, we hebben allemaal onze doelen behaald, want we zijn allemaal fucking geslaagd." I lot off yelling erupts from the crowd.

*But we all had such a wonderful four years, we all accomplished our goals, because we are all fucking graduated.*

"En nu gaan we allemaal onze eigen weg, we gaan allemaal een andere kant op, sommigen blijven in Nederland en anderen waaronder ik gaan internationaal. Ik ben super trots op iedereen die geslaagd is, en het maakt niet uit wat je gaat doen want zolang je doet wat je het liefst wil zul je gelukkig zijn. Ik heb mijn woordje wel gedaan, ik ben wel klaar met praten. Met trots presenteer ik jullie dit jaar geslaagden klas civiele techniek." And with that I conclude my little speech and go sit on my seat once again, waiting to hear my name called to get my diploma.

*And now we all go our own way, we all leave in different directions, some stay in the Netherlands and others, including me, are going international. I am super proud on everybody who graduates today, and it doesn't matter what you're going to do as long as you do what you want to do most and you will be happy. I have said what I've wanted to say, and I'm proud to present to you this years graduating civil engineer class.*


I had packed everything up, said goodbye to all my friends and now I'm off to leave for NY. The plane was boarding and I felt butterflies in my stomach, I don't know why but I just can't wait to start my new live. I want to start with a clean slate.

As soon as I touch the ground of NY I'm off looking for a cap, I'm staying in an apartment that is paid for the first 6 months by the company, after six months I have to pay for it myself.

The cap pulls up to the apartment and it's fucking beautiful I can already see that I'm going to love it, and I can't wait to get settled in but right now I'm to tired to take care off it and I just go towards the bedroom, I pull on some pj's and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm off to dream land.



So yeah short update, but I just couldn't leave you guys hanging for two weeks, especially since I'm so close to 1000 reads 1000 fucking reads. That's amazing.

So keep it up you guys I love you.



And follow me for more updates on the story



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