chapter 22: the end

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I was driving up the drive way back from work, it was an exhausting day, all the day I had to run around in heels trying to get all the work done for the company, it has been especially hard since I got a promotion. I'm now the head of the building department and I have to manage so many things, I get home late and then I still have to do shit and it's very hard.

But at least when I get home there is always somebody there for me, I have met the pack and we decided to move into the pack house, whenever I get home there is always somebody there where I just can talk to who will just listen to me, and drink something with me.

when I am driving up the driveway I notice that the house was silent, the front lights were on illuminating the house indicating that there was somebody home, but normally there would be people outside on the driveway taking care of stuff.

I push the button to open up one of the many garages door's, I drive my matt black Lamborghini, that I got for my birthday from Oliver, into it designated spot. Also here I do not come across any people at all. If there would have happened something I would have gotten a message, but no I got no messages and no calls.

I get out of my car locking it behind me, I swipe my lock card through the security system and I here the peep telling me that I can enter, I push the heavy door open. The house is completely silent, I walk through the empty hallway, my shoes clicking against the marble tiles. I notice little red splatters forming a path, I gasp inwardly but on closer inspection I can see that it are actually red rose leaves "What the hell." I follow the path I can see that it's leading towards the patio, I open up the glass screen door and I can hear romantic music playing softly. I follow the trail a little further and I can see a heart coming into sight made out of little candles.

I get more curious with the minute, honestly I just want to snuggle up in bed with a pizza and Oliver as my own personal blanket I don't want to walk in on anything weird. I walk a little bit further very curious about what is happening. I step into the little heart and that is when I hear a twig snap behind me, instead of seeing somebody aiming a gun at my head what I actually expected it's Oliver in a tux with a bouquet of red roses.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Oliver says

"It's okay I was just nervous because I didn't see anybody."

"I sent them away for the night, we have the house for us alone tonight."

He steps up to me also into the heart of candles, he hands me the bouquet of roses. There is a little card attached to it, I grab it out of the bouquet and read it

'I love you' It reads I love it when he does those little things. When I look up again Oliver is on one knee, I gasp in shock tears spring into my eyes.

"Lotte, I have loved you ever since the first time I saw you, I know we went trough a lot together. And I know I can be an asshole sometimes, and I'm sorry for that also me being so possessive and protective." I snort at that, he's definitely over protective, and possesive.

"But you make me whole, you make sure I'm not to big of an asshole, you make sure I don't get to angry." He stops and takes a few deep breath, his hands are shaking as he reaches into a pocket of his tux.

"Lotte will you do me the honour of be coming my other half, will you marry me and become Mrs. Oliver Hunt?" He asks and he pulls out a velvet box with inside an engagement ring. Tears are now flowing freely.

"Yes, Yes, Yes a thousand times yes I will marry you, I love you so much, Omg yes." I can't stop saying yes, I'm so excited I'm getting married.

I jump onto Oliver which is quite hard since I'm wearing a skin tight black pencil skirt. And I kiss the life out of him.

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