I guess you could say I'm a bit Punning

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Sans pov

After a couple hours of looking up at the 'stars' we packed up and started to walk home. Papyrus had the picnic blanket over his shoulder as I held the basket with all the left over spaghetti and plates in it. I struggled with the heavy basket that took up most of my mid-section as I stumbled a bit. It really didn't help that I don't normally walk... scratch that- I never walk. I normally just teleport everywhere... no one should have to endure this much physical movement, walking should be called leg death! "HERE" papyrus notices my struggling before stopping and facing me, taking the basket with one hand and kept walking. "Wait paps, It's fine I got it" I tried to reach for the basket but papyrus took my hand in his then intertwined our fingers, he looked at me and smiled "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL HOLD IT" he said his dorky catch phrase before we started to walk again, hand in hand.

We got a few stares from other monsters but we didn't really care, for all we cared we were just like any other couple. We made it back to Snowdin and we didn't even realize it, we were too busy laughing and talking about each other's thoughts, "WHY NOT 30 HOTDOGS? WHY ONLY 29? IS-" papyrus stopped talking before unhooking his hand from mine and taking out his phone that was vibrating "HELLO? THIS IS THE GREAT PAP-" I could tell whoever is on the other half of this phone call is interrupting him "A-ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS!" his eyes widened along with his smile but for some reason he stopped and cleared his throat, "TELL HIM... I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND" he sounded so... mature? I could slightly hear the person on the phone yelling at him "OK, BYE UNDYNE" he quickly hung up and slid the phone back into his pocket. "What was that about?" I asked with curiosity, he didn't say anything for a bit "LETS GO HOME BEFORE IT GETS TOO DARK" he didn't sound like papyrus... he sounded so plain and that scared me.

We walked to our house and sat in front of the TV together to watch mettaton's show, as per usual it was him torturing the poor kid, "There all bombs darling!!!" his voice still annoys me to the bone. I got bored fast and grabbed papyrus's face softly, making him face me. I put my teeth to his and he faced me completely. I slid down, making it so I was laying down under him and he was on top of me. I broke the kiss and looked up at him; my curiosity was still high from the walk home. "Paps... what was that phone call about?" I asked softly, he looked at me honestly "NOTHING MUCH..." I could always tell when he was lying and this time was no exception, "you looked so happy then, well, not happy?" I said as I noticed he didn't want to tell me, "UNDYNE TALKED TO ASGORE AND I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE ROYAL GUARD" he said with a slight smile.

"That's awesome paps! You finally-" Papyrus cut me off instantly "I SAID NO" his words confused me, it's all he ever wanted... he trained day after day, timeline after timeline, injury after injury. "But why?" I asked and he smiled then kissed me and his hand slipping off my jacket then my shirt. He sat up, and for some reason I felt embarrassed "BECAUSE I WONT GET TO SPEND ANYTIME WITH THE PERSONI LOVE" his words made me speechless, almost like he was stealing mine. "BECAUSE I WOULD MISS EVERY CURVE OF HIS BONES" papyrus's hand traced my ribs and I tried not to move, "BECAUSE I'D MISS HIS VOICE" as if on command I moaned gently, "BECAUSE I'D MISS HIS BLUSH" he looked straight at my face and I felt like he was staring straight at my soul, I had never seen paps so serious. Every word he said made me crumble, "BECAUSE I WOULD MISS HIM" that's it, can't control myself anymore. I sat up as well and clinked my teeth to his, before long our tongues were exploring each other's mouths................................................

{The titles are getting dumber because I'm running out of puns XD anyway, I hope you enjoyed this update (even though it took forever to update) and as always- if you have any suggestions please don't be afraid to put them in the comments below or message me ^.^ see ya guys later}

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