Chapter 8: Attack Briefing

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Ahsoka entered the Command Center with Lux and Gregor on either of her sides, which she sensed raised a lot of suspicion. Besides, the whole thing that happened the night before, they also happened to see Lux march after her out of the Command Center moments before.

Rex, Saw, and Wolffe stood next to each other.

Leia had a wide grin. Ezra stood beside her, with the same wide grin on his face. From what she can tell, Leia might've told him what she had figured out. Next to him stood Kanan, the only other Jedi present. And judging from his expression, he'd like to know more about what had heard that happened last night. The rest of the Ghost crew and Phoenix cell members stood near them. Everyone else clustered around the holo-projector table.

"General on deck." Rex said, and everyone straightened.

Ahsoka raised her hand. "At ease." She said as she approached the holo-projector table.

The holo-projector table displayed a holographic image of the planet Onderon, where a lone Imperial Star destroyer hovered over the planet with two Light cruisers on either side, having four all in all.

"It's a heavy blockade, sir." Jun Sato said. "Is destroying it even possible?" He asked.

"No, it is possible, Commander." Ahsoka said. "But like I said, it's going to take everything we've got."

Ahsoka turned to Saw. "Saw, you've been familiar with Imperial presence on the planet, what do you got?" She asked.

"The cruisers deploy TIEs to the planet at O-nine hundred everyday to make sure there are no rebels roaming around." Saw reported.

"What about the Star Destroyer?" Ahsoka asked.

"The lieutenant rides a shuttle to the surface if they capture a Rebel on their raids, and then send them to a prison facility in the Core." Saw said.

"So, it's placed there to scare off ships entering the planet." Ahsoka guessed.

"And outgoing ships, yes." Saw added.

"How do we do it, sir?" Wolffe spoke up. "I mean, we can't just smash into the blockade runners, that's suicide."

Smash. Ahsoka remembered how she and her master destroyed the Separatist blockade over Ryloth to give way for Master Windu and Master Kenobi's ground assault. Anakin had smashed a damaged Republic Star Destroyer into the blockade runner, and she led a squadron to outflank the remaining Separatist vulture droids. It was crazy, but it worked.

Looking at the holographic map, she couldn't help but smile.

"Sir?" Rex called.

"I've got an idea." Ahsoka said, then turned to Rex. "Captain, remember what we did to that blockade over Ryloth during the Clone Wars?" She asked.

Rex's eyes widened. "What—no. That's crazy."

"But it worked." Ahsoka said, turning to Fyra Zanedi. "Commander Zanedi, I was told the Sparrow Command ship was damaged in a supply run from the Western Reaches. Where is it now?" She asked.

"Yes, General." Fyra said. "It's docked in the stolen Imperial Carrier."

"How is it?" Ahsoka asked.

"Heavily damaged." Fyra said. "The hull's burned and the shield generator's fried."

"What about its hyperdrive and engines?"

"The hyperdrive's working fine. But the engines are barely holding." Fyra reported.

"Perfect." Ahsoka said.

"You cannot be serious!" Rex spoke up.

"I am, Captain." Ahsoka said firmly. "There's no other way to destroy that blockade."

Rex sighed, then gestured for her to go on.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do." Ahsoka said, as she pointed at the holographic images. "I'll take the damaged Command ship of the Sparrow and lunge it at the Capital ship."

Suddenly, everyone was talking at the same time.

"General, Wolffe's right," Rex said. "It's suicide. And how the kriff are you getting out of there anyway?" He asked.

"I'll have my A-Wing in one of the ship's docking rings." Ahsoka said. "And if the Imperials decide to talk it through, I'll play along."

"Yeah, I don't think so." Kanan spoke up. "The Imperials never talk things through."

Ahsoka raised her hand, and everyone went silent. "I know that." She said. "What I meant by 'talking'—" She quoted her fingers in the air. "—Is that they'll warn us before they destroy us. What we'll do is the other way around, and that's destroying that blockade. And how do we do that? Here's how."

She pressed a button in the holo-projector table. "Like I said, I'll go first onboard the damaged Command ship and...'talk' to them, and since of course talking isn't really the Imperial way, I'll maneuver the damaged ship straight towards the their Capital ship. And don't worry, I'll have my A-Wing in one of the docking rings that I'll use to escape. The damaged Command ship will then buy me time to disable their Shield Generator which of course, will make the ship vulnerable; and the Communications and Sensor Arrays, so they can't call for reinforcements."

"What about the light cruisers?" Kanan asked.

"That is how the entire fleet comes in." Ahsoka said. "Once I give the signal, you jump out of hyperspace, the Carrier and the three Command Ships, and we attack. The Ghost will be the one making the supply run." She turned to Commander Jun Sato. "Phoenix Squadron, you need to cover the Ghost while they make the drop."

Ahsoka turned to Commander Fyra Zanedi. "Sparrow Squadron, take a B-Wing Fighter and make your attack on the right flank and take care of the light cruisers on the Star Destroyer's starboard side. The B-Wing's laser cannons are powerful enough to raze one cruiser, so you have to make another run for it for the second." She turned to Kerrick Bezor. "Hawkeye Squadron, you do the same on the left flank. Once, the supplies are dropped we can leave the system before their reinforcements arrive, hopefully. Now, any questions?" She asked.

No one spoke up.

"Alright,then." Ahsoka said. "Let's move."

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