The Space Battle of Onderon

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Ahsoka stood on the bridge of the damaged Command ship of the Sparrow as it travelled through hyperspace.

For someone going to lead an attack, she was at ease. Mostly because she was able to lift the heaviness she'd been carrying for years, off her chest. Lux. She couldn't help but smile thinking about him. She did love him, way, way back. She just didn't have the courage to tell anyone (Well, maybe she did mention Lux to Bariss a few times, but never admitted anything.) because one: She was a Jedi and, two: Anakin would kill her if he found out that something else happened beyond being his bodyguard and pretending to be his girlfriend.

She had to keep it to herself. But when she was assigned to be the Jedi advisor, she had sensed that Lux reciprocated her feelings. She was happy, of course. Even though Steela Gerrera (Saw's sister), was constantly pursuing him. She knew he was just being polite. But she was also sad, because she knew that they couldn't be together. Jedi were forbidden to have romantic ties, especially with a Galactic Senator.

Now, it's different. She left the Jedi Order but retained what she had learned as a force-user. She wasn't a Jedi anymore. But then, onboard the Sundered Heart, she was knighted by Yoda and Obi-Wan. Back then, before she found out about Kanan or Caleb, whichever he preferred, she thought they were the only ones left, the only ones who had survived. She wasn't able to refuse. So officially, she was a Jedi Knight but hadn't considered herself as one in years.

Just then, the damaged Command ship came out of hyperspace. She shook herself back to reality. The jungle planet of Onderon was before her. But between them, an Imperial blockade stood in the way to the planet's surface.

As expected, the Imperial convoy contacted the ship surprisingly, with a two-way holo-transmission.

She answered their transmission and stepped away from the holo-projector table before they can see her.

A man with auburn hair and an upturned nose in his late thirties appeared through the hologram before her. "Attention, Rebel ship." He said. It was no surprise that they'd recognize the ship as part of the Rebellion "This is Lieutenant Darael Rickon, Onderon now is a restricted area by order of the Emperor. Stand down or be destroyed."

Ahsoka took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." She murmured as she stepped into the hologram's line of vision.

Lieutenant Rickon's eyebrows went up in surprise. No doubt surprised to see a woman standing before him.

Ahsoka gave a mischievous smile. "Greetings, Lieutenant," She nodded in greeting. "I am Ahsoka Tano, General of the Rebel Alliance. I—"

Lieutenant Rickon frowned. "I know who you are, Jedi!" He said furiously. "Those Inquisitors had mentioned you a couple times."

"Really?" Ahsoka chuckled and then shrugged. "Well, my reputation precedes me then." She said in a surprised tone. "Anyways, I am surrendering myself, this ship and, the entire crew of this vessel, in exchange for safe passage of food and supplies for the people of Onderon."

"That is not your concern, Rebel." Rickon snapped. "It is the Empire's responsibility to provide for the needs of its people." He turned to his right. "Scan that ship." He told an officer.

"If the Empire is doing its job, then we won't be here in the first place." Ahsoka argued, then shrugged. "I guess we're doing this the hard way, then."

Lieutenant Rickon turned again and suddenly went puzzled. He turned back to her. "A heavily damaged ship? What are you playing at, Jedi?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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