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~Anti please don't get carried away! Jack is just trying to look after me!~ But Anti looked at Jack and back at me I couldn't see his face because of the lighting in this room. ~You love him don't you. He's not wrong, How could anyone fall in love with anyways? I could have killed you at anytime. It is my second nature.~ I didn't know what to say. I just stood there quietly. Anti came closer and saw that one of his eye turned green and the other was darkened. He always looked normal until now. ~I loved you, but you loved another~ Anti took out his crystal necklace and walked out of the room. 

Jack came towards me ~Did he just say loved? I have never seen him act like this towards someone else.~ Jack once again sat next to me ~ Anti was a very cool guy, he just one day showed up with a heart full of hope. He and I became "buddies" but one day someone took that hope away from him. And left him souless. He later became an arsshole and stopped coming here. He became a killer and killed anyone that was in his way, he would have killed a pregnant woman and he won't have regrets. He became dark.~

I wondered who took that hope away from him and why did he started killing people and why? I have so many questions to ask Anti. I had to get out of here and ask him! I tried to get up but felt the pain again. ~Wait, You can't go now! You aren't perfectly healed!~ I had to go and find Anti. Even if the pain was to much to handle. As I walk out the door I stumble and fall to my knees. I couldn't bare it anymore and collapsed to the ground. I wanted to call out for Anti but only a whisper came out

Jack picked me up ~C'mon i'll put you in bed. you'll be more comfortable there! It's getting late now and you may not feel tired~ Jack walked in my room and laid me down on my bed. Tam came and jumped on the bed and went to comfort me. She rubbed her face on mine and purred. ~Well you should get some rest for now, you might feel better tomorrow.~ Jack then left the room and left me and Tam alone. I randomly started talking to Tam about my complications with Jack and Anti and felt no reasons why I should be embarrassed. Tam was a great listener 

You belong to me. Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now